Software Quality Assessment Approach using Analytical Hierarchical Model: Applied in SMEs
Continuous software quality evolution is crucial albeit challenging due to tight budgets and timelines. In fact, neglecting software quality in favour of customer satisfaction; either by reducing internal or external defects or by adding technical features shall place much pressure on project managers and stakeholders to find a balance between project budget and schedule. The increasing demand for high-quality software among stakeholders emphasizes the need for comprehensive approaches that can evaluate and rank quality metrics to maximize their benefits. In this research paper, we introduce an assessment approach developed using key quality metrics integrated from Cost Of Software Quality (COSQ) metrics, reliability metrics, and cost of defects metrics based on quantitative multicriteria decision analysis capabilities of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model applied with a real case study for the software development team in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) since most of them do not follow standards nor adopt well-structured quality methods. The evaluation is established based on the integrated AHP assessment approach as a practical solution for organizations seeking a critical examination of the relative significance of software metrics in terms of their utility in enhancing business performance. As a result, an evaluation of these quality metrics has been conducted to highlight the percentage of weight for each quality metric based on interviews with subject matters experts. The ranking of software quality metrics greatly helps stakeholders in selecting the most appropriate attribute for evaluating the developed software to identify high-impact quality initiatives and measure their effectiveness in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
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