The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review of Research on Expert Finding: A PRISMA-guided Approach

This study conducts a comprehensive exploration of expert retrieval using a dual approach of bibliometric analysis and systematic review, guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. From 2000 to 2023, our investigation reveals a notable upward trajectory in expert locating study, focusing on 494 articles identified from Scopus using specific keywords related to Expert Finding (EF) and Expert Finding Systems (EFSs). Through bibliometric analysis, utilizing VOSviewer, we identify prominent co-author groups, highly-cited documents, and global participation, shedding light on the collaborative and internationally expansive nature of EF investigations. Keyword co- occurrence and text analysis reveal thematic clusters, signaling the evolving emphases in the field from foundational expert search tasks to considerations of platform interactions. Simultaneously, our systematic review, conducted on a subset of 51 articles using NVivo, explores domains seeking expert solutions, prevalent datasets, and common evaluation methods. This research not only synthesizes the current state of EF and EFS literature but also charts a course for future exploration, contributing to a deeper understanding of the field and guiding the trajectory of forthcoming research endeavors.

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