The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


A Novel Adaptive ANC Algorithm for Removal of Background Noise in Speech Applications

Noise is an unsafe mechanical toxin that causes serious hearing misfortune in the working environment of every nation. The working people in the military, mining, development, printing, and saw factories tend to lose their hearing performance due to the adverse effects of noise generated by the machines. They undergo elevated levels of noise, with various machinery producing greater levels of noise measured in decibels. These sounds may cause major health problems that may not allow the person to work in such conditions. Algorithms like Least Mean Square (LMS), Normalized Least Mean Squared (NLMS), Filtered-x Least Mean Squared (FxLMS) and Filtered-x Normalized Least Mean Squared (FxNLMS) are frequently being used for noise cancellation. Moreover, these filters have instability and poor noise reduction; slow convergence also requires a greater number of filter taps and less performance to identify the unknown system in the Active Noise Canceller (ANC). In this paper, a Précised FxNLMS (P-FxNLMS) algorithm is introduced for an ANC. This algorithm consists of dual adaptive filters, an updated Variable Step Size (VSS), a delay in the primary path, a slight improvement in the on-line secondary path, and a modified filter step size when compared to an existing ANC system, with the purpose of minimizing the demerits of existing algorithms. Initially, the P-FxNLMS algorithm was tested with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and later tested with real noises from the NOISEUS dataset to check the noise reduction performance. The increase in Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) segmentation for P-FxNLMS is around 1.45 dB to 4.07 dB and 38.46 % to 73.68 % of the Mean Square Error (MSE) as compared to the algorithms available for different sounds with different SNR input levels. From the performance results of MSE and SNR improvement (SNRi), we found improvements compared with existing algorithms.

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