The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Effective Test Cases Generation with Harmony Search and RBF Neural Network

Software testing is one of the integral activities during development of software products. Generation and selection of the test cases either in static or dynamic form play pivot role for ensuring the quality of software products. There are numerous approaches in the literature for automatic generation of test cases but coverage criteria and fault detection rate are prominent metrics for checking the effectiveness of the software products during testing phase of software development. In the present, a new Harmony Radial Testing (HRT) is proposed by combining the concepts of Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) and Radial Basis Function-Neural Network (RBF-NN) approaches. The main objective of the proposed HRT method is to generate automatic test cases by considering the criteria of branch coverage with improvement in the Maximum branch Coverage (MaxC), Average Coverage (AC) and Average Percentage Fault Detection (APFD) rates. The proposed approach combined with the Radial Basis Function (RBF), denoted as a HRT approach. The proposed approach is used to optimize harmony search over the randomly selected sample test cases, training the RBF-NN to simulate the fitness function. Seven Python codes have been tested through proposed approach and computed results are compared with Primal-Dual Genetic Algorithm (PDGA), Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) and random methods. It is observed that the proposed HRT algorithm optimizes consistently yielded reliable results, which may be used in future for enriching the software testing process by the software industries.

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