Dynamic Healing Process Analysis: Image Morphing with Warping Technique for Nose and Esophagus Studies
In this study, image morphing technology is harnessed to investigate the dynamic processes of healing in both the nose and esophagus. The researchers employ a computer-assisted morphing approach to dynamically analyze mucosal processes during the healing study. The focal point of the proposed image morphing method is a specified warping technique that transforms the first image into the second, and vice versa. The metamorphosis unfolds with the first image initially completely deformed toward the second, gradually fading in, while the current image simultaneously becomes progressively distorted and fades out. This results in an initial series of photographs closely resembling the original. The pivotal middle image is crafted through the averaging of the first source image altered halfway toward the second and the second source picture deformed halfway away from the first. The subsequent images in the series resemble the second source picture. The significance of the center picture is underscored, as its visual appeal ensures the overall aesthetic quality of the entire animation sequence. To facilitate seamless transitions between frames, intermediate frames are generated. The proposed technique is substantiated through the use of realistic datasets for testing and validation, demonstrating its superior performance compared to state-of- the-art studies in the field. This comprehensive approach to image morphing not only advances our understanding of healing dynamics in the nose and esophagus but also presents a novel and effective methodology with broad applicability, surpassing the capabilities of current leading-edge studies. The proposed approach showed best performance against state-of-the works.
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