The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Partitioning State Spaces of Concurrent Transition Systems Mustapha Bourahla

As the model-checking becomes increasingly used in the industry as an analysis support, there is a big need for efficient new methods to deal with the large real-size of concurrent transition systems. We propose a new algorithm for partitioning the large state space modelling industrial designs as concurrent transition systems with hundreds of millions of states and transitions. The produced partitions will be used by distributed processes for parallel system analysis. The state space is supposed to be represented by a weighted Kripke structure (this is an extension of the Kripke structure where weights are associated with the states and with the transitions). This algorithm partitions the weighted Kripke structure by performing a combination of abstraction-partition-refinement on this structure. The algorithm is designed in a way that reduces the communication overhead between the processes. The experimental results on large real designs show that this method improves the quality of partitions, the communication overhead and then the overall performance of the system analysis.

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[14] Romijn J., “Model Checking the HAVi Leader Election Protocol,” Technical Report SEN- R9915 , CWI, Amesterdam, The Netherlands, June 1999. Mustapha Bourahla has been a teacher-researcher since 1994 at the Computer Science Department, University of Biskra, Algeria. He was the Computer Science Department head, University of Biskra. He has been a member of the scientific committee since 1999. He holds MSc degree in computer science from the University of Montreal, Canada, 1989. He was a member of VHDL research group at Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada from Partitioning State Spaces of Concurrent Transition Systems 135 1989 until 1993. He is expected to finish his PhD in 2005.