Performance Evaluation of Location Update Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Over the past few years, several position-based routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks have been proposed. The success of all these algorithms depends on the availability of up-to-date location information of the nodes in the network. To achieve the requirement of up-to-date location information, many location update schemes have been proposed. Authors of each scheme argue that their scheme is better and scalable for a given network scenario. However, these schemes need to be experimented together for common network scenarios – network size, network density, and network connectivity. In this paper, we present an overview of home agent, quorum based, grid location service, and doubling circles location update schemes. Further, we have proposed a scheme independent metric for performance evaluation of the location update schemes. Based on this performance metric, we have compared the location update schemes referred here and suggest which scheme may perform best for a large network. In the simulation, we use random waypoint mobility model. The results show that home agent scheme performs better than other schemes.