ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Speech Scrambling based on Independent Component Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization
Nidaa Abbas,Jahanshah Kabudian
#itakura-saito distance
#speech scrambling
Human Facial Emotion Recognition using Deep Neural Networks
Benisha S,Mirnalinee TT
#Neural Network
#deep neural networks
#facial expression
#emotion recognition system
Sajid Khan1, Muhammad Nazir2, Naveed Riaz3 and Muhammad Khan4
# Gender classification
# feature extraction
# pattern recognition
# active shape model
# real world face im ages
Iris-Pupil Thickness BasedMethod for Determining Age Groupofa Person
Abstract:Soft biometric attributes such asgender,ethnicityand agecan be determinedfrom theirisimages.Pupil size plays
# feature extraction
# iris aging
# iris pupil ratio
The Effect of Computer Assisted Language
The Effect of Computer Assisted Language
Using Deep Learning for Automatically Determining Correct Application of Basic Quranic
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
#Articulation rules (Ahkam Al-Tajweed)
# Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC)
# Linear predictive Code (LPC)
# Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD)
# Hidden Markov Model based Spectral Peak Location (HMM-SPL)
# Convolutional Deep Belief Network (CDBN); k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN); Support Vector Machines (SVM); Artificial Neural Network (NN)
# Random Forest (RF)
# multiclass classifier
# bagging; t-Test
Tunisian Dialect Recognition Based on Hybrid
Laboratoire de Recherche ATSI, Ecole Nationale d‟Ingénieurs de Monastir, Tunisia
#Vector Quantization (VQLBG)
# Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs)
# Feed-Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks (FFBPNN)
# Speaker Dependent System
Comprehensive Stemmer for Morphologically Rich Urdu Language
Mubashir Ali1, Shehzad Khalid2, and Muhammad Saleemi2
#Urdu stemmer
# infix classes
# infix rules
# stemming rules
# stemming lists
A New Application for Gabor Filters in Face-Based Gender Classification
Ebrahim Al-Wajih and Moataz Ahmed
#Gabor filters
# gender recognition
# statistical features
A Novel Method for Gender and Age Detection Based on EEG Brain Signals
Haitham Issa1, Sali Issa2, and Wahab Shah3
# Gender
# Age
Two-Level Classification in Determining the Age and Gender Group of a Speaker
Ergün Yücesoy
# mean supervector
# speaker age and gender classification
# two level classification
Predicting Student Enrolments and Attrition Patterns in Higher Educational Institutions using
Machine Learning
#Machine learning
# predictive model
# apriori algorithm
# student retention
# enrolment behaviour
# association rule mining
# boosting
# ensemble method
Person-Independent Emotion and Gender Prediction (EGP) System Using EEG Signals
Haitham Issa, Qinmu Peng, Sali Issa, Xinge You, Ruijiao Peng, ,
# gender
# brain signals
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