ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Prediction of Football Players’ Value in the Transfer Market of Well-known European Leagues based on FIFA 19 and Real-world Data
Yu Sun,Kepeng Gu
#Transfer market
#European football leagues
#data engineering
#variance inflation factor
#regression prediction algorithms
#rhizostoma optimization algorithm
The Strategy of Discriminating False Comments on the Internet by Fusing Probabilistic Topic and Word Vector Models
Fei Long
#Probabilistic topics
#word vectors
#online reviews
#false detection
Determining PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome Severity from Reddit Posts using Topic Modelling and Association Rule Mining
Santhi Selvaraj,Selva Nidhyananthan Sundaradhas
#Association rule mining
#bag of words
#frequent symptoms set
#topic modelling
A Dual-Objective Approach for Allocation of Virtual Machine with improved Job Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Sandeep Sutar,Manjunathswamy Byranahallieraiah,Kumarswamy Shivashankaraiah
#Cloud computing
#job scheduling
#VM scheduling
#cost optimization
#energy utilization
#dual objectives
A Bi-Level Text Classification Approach for SMS Spam Filtering and Identifying Priority Messages
Naresh Kumar Nagwani
#SMS spam
#priority sms
#important sms
#sms spam filtering
#bi-level binary classification
A Novel Resource Scheduler for Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Big Data Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithm at Cloud Environment
Aarthee Selvaraj,Prabakaran Rajendran,Kanimozhi Rajangam
#Resource management
#particle swarm optimization
#computer performance
#data analysis
Solving Flow Allocation Problems and Optimizing System Reliability of Multisource Multisink Stochastic Flow Network
Abstract : Flow allocation problem is one of the important ste ps in reliability evaluation or optimization of a stochastic flow
Clustering with Probabilistic Topic Models on
# asymmetricnetworks
#bandwidt h allocation
Computer and Information Science Department, Univer sity Technology Patroness, Malaysia
# Critical service
# recovery
# resources reconfigurati on
# survivability
A New Allocation Technique for Methods and Attributes in Distributed Object-Oriented
Faculty of Engineering,Tanta University, Egypt
#Object-oriented database
# allocation
# methods
# attributes
# genetic algorithm
# distributed database
Computing Environment
# Distributed computing
# cloud computing
# knowledge d iscovery
# rough set
An Architecture of Thin Client-Edge Computing
Aymen Alsaffar, Pham Hung, and Eui-Nam Huh
#Cloud computing
# data distribution
# edge computing
# resource allocation
# and thin client
Proficient Decision Making on Virtual Machine Creation in IaaS Cloud Environment
Abstract: Cloud computing is a most fascinated technology that is being utilized by IT companies to reduce their
# VMs
# jordon neural network
# genetic algorithm
# service level agreements
Capacity Enhancement Based on Dynamically
Mohammed Abd-Elnaby, Mohamad Elhadad, and El-Sayed El-Rabaie
# packet scheduling
# PF
# Fairness
Bayesian Information Criterion in LTE Downlink Scheduling Algorithm
Abstract: Real time multimedia has been a major trend in people daily life. With the rise of demands in faster internet
# criterion-based
# bayesian information criterion
# downlink scheduling
# quality of service
# Enterprise information security
# enterprise modelli ng
# risk assessment
# risk assessment method
# resour ce based view
# attack trees
# risk management
# Multicomputer
# 2D mesh
# contiguous allocation
# non# contiguous allocation
# request partitioning
Self-Adaptive PSO Memetic Algorithm For Multi Objective Workflow Scheduling in Hybrid Cloud
Padmaveni Krishnan and John Aravindhar
#Cloud computing
# memetic algorithm
# particle swarm optimization
# self-adaptive particle swarm memetic algorithm
Mesh HDR WPAN Resource Allocation Optimization Approaches
Samar Sindian1, Abed Ellatif Samhat3, Matthieu Crussière2, Jean-François Hélard2, and Ayman Khalil1 1CCE Department, Faculty of Engineering, IUL, Lebanon 2INSA Rennes, University Rennes, France 3Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Lebanon
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