ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
A Hadoop Based Approach for Community Detection on Social Networks Using Leader Nodes
Mohamed Iqbal,Kesavarao Latha
#Social network
#big data
#map reduce
#community detection
#leader nodes
Solving QBF with Heuristic Small W orld
Abstract: In this paper, we use gaifman graph to describe the topological structure of the Quantified Boolean Formulae
# SW
# search algorithm
# optimization algorithm
Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Bio-Database Compression by Improved Fine Tuned Enhanced Suffix Array
RPLB:A Replica Placement Algorithm inData Grid with Load Balancing
Abstract:Data gridisaninfrastructurebuilt based on internetwhichfacilitates sharing and management ofgeographically
# load balancing
# data grid
# data replication
An Innovative Two-Stage Fuzzy kNN-DST
Predicting the Existence of Design Patterns based
The International Arab Journal of Information Techn ology
in Cloud Computing
Yassine Benajiba2, Mona Diab2, and Paolo Rosso1 1Natural Language Engineering Laboratory, ELiRF, Uni versidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain
#Arabic natural language processing
# classification
# information extraction
# named entity recognition
# data mining
# dispersion
# multiple datab ases
# stability
Enhanced Clustering-Based Topic Identification of Transcribed Arabic Broadcast News
techniques. The enhancement includes applying new stemming technique “rule-based light stemming” to balance the negative
#Arabic speech transcription
# topic clustering
An Improved Statistical Model of Appearance under Partial Occlusion
Abstract: The Appearance Models (AMs) are widely used in many applications related to face recognition, expression
#Computer vision
# appearance model
# partial occlusion
# robust error functions
# CIECAM02 appearance model
Evaluation of Influence of Arousal-Valence Primitives on Speech Emotion Recognition
Abstract: Speech Emotion recognition is a challenging research problem with a significant scientific interest. There has been
#Speech emotion recognition
# arousal
# valence
# hierarchical classification
# gaussian mixture model
# support vector machine
A Multimedia Web Service Matchmaker Sid Midouni1,2, Youssef Amghar1, and Azeddine Chikh2 1Universit de Lyon, CNRS INSA-Lyon, France 2D partement d'informatique, Universit Abou Bekr Belkaid-Tlemcen, Alg rie
article, we show how MaaS services are matched to meet user needs. Our matching algorithm consists of two steps: (1) the
#Semantic web services
# information retrieval
# service description
# service matching
Immunity inspired Cooperative Agent based
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technocrats Institute of Technology, India
# human immune system
# artificial immune system
# agent
PLDL: A Novel Method for Label Distribution Learning
Venkatanareshbabu Kuppili, Mainak Biswas, and Damodar Edla
#Multi-label classification
# data mining
# label distribution learning
# probability density function
Shamir s Key Based Confidentiality on Cloud Data Storage
Kamalraj Durai
# privacy
# cloud computing
# privacy preserving and polynomial interpolation
Polynomial Based Fuzzy Vault Technique for Template Security in Fingerprint Biometrics
Reza Mehmood and Arvind Selwal
# Fingerprint
# Template Security
# Crypto-System
# Fuzzy vault
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