ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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An Improved Q-Learning Algorithm Integrated into the Aloha Anti-Collision Protocol for Energy-Efficient RFID Systems
Van-Hoa Le,Duc-Nhat-Quang Nguyen,Viet-Minh-Nhat Vo
#RFID system
#aloha protocol
An Enhanced Q-Learning MAC Protocol for Energy Efficiency and Convergence in Underwater Sensor Networks
Islam Ud Din,Irshad Abbasi,Sikandar Ali,Khalil Al Ruqeishi
#under water sensor networks
#MAC protocol
#adaptive Q-Learning
#energy efficiency
Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Evaluation of Emission Reduction Performance of Power Enterprises Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine
Wanqing Zhang,Ruohan Huang,Luwei Ye
#Power generation enterprise
#evaluation indicators
#least squares support vector machine
#Lion swarm optimization algorithm
#chaos theory
HYAQP: A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Model for Air Quality Prediction Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Paradigms
Praveena Vasudevan,Chitra Ekambaram
#unsupervised machine learning
#hybrid optimization
#optimized k-means
#air quality prediction
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines
Aditya Dubey,Pradeep Yadav,Subhash Chandra Patel
#wind power curve model
#statistical model
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines
Aditya Dubey,Pradeep Yadav,Subhash Chandra Patel
#wind power curve model
#statistical model
A Dual-Objective Approach for Allocation of Virtual Machine with improved Job Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Sandeep Sutar,Manjunathswamy Byranahallieraiah,Kumarswamy Shivashankaraiah
#Cloud computing
#job scheduling
#VM scheduling
#cost optimization
#energy utilization
#dual objectives
Fuzzy Heuristics for Detecting and Preventing Black Hole Attack
Elamparithi Pandian,Ruba Soundar,Shenbagalakshmi Gunasekaran,Shenbagarajan Anantharajan
#Mobile Ad-hoc networks
#fuzzy inference system
#trust value
#black hole attack
#node authentication
#certificate authority
A Novel Resource Scheduler for Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Big Data Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithm at Cloud Environment
Aarthee Selvaraj,Prabakaran Rajendran,Kanimozhi Rajangam
#Resource management
#particle swarm optimization
#computer performance
#data analysis
Additive Metric Composition-Based Load Aware Reliable Routing Protocol for Improving the Quality of Service in Industrial Internet of Things
Anitha Dharmalingaswamy,Latha Pitchai
#Neighbor index
#objective function
#residual energy
Optimization of Quadrotor Route Planning with Time and Energy Priority in Windy Environments
Hayri İncekara,Murat Selek,Fatih Basciftci
#Unmanned aerial vehicles
#quadrotor route planning
#windy environments
TSO Clustered Protocol to Extend Lifetime of IoT Based Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Giji Kiruba Dasebenezer,Benita Joselin
#sensor nodes
Genetic Algorithm with Random and Memory Immigrant Strategies for Solving Dynamic Load Balanced Clustering Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohaideen Pitchai
#Wireless sensor networks
#genetic algorithm
#load balanced clustering
#random immigrants
#memory immigrants
Intelligent Recognition of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Based on Optical Image
Shujuan Wang,Haofu Guan,Yuqing Wang,Kanghui Zhang,Yuntao Dai,Shouxu Qiao,Jihong Shen
#Optical image
#gas-liquid two-phase flow
#machine vision
A Vision Approach for Expiry Date Recognition using Stretched Gabor Features
Abstract: Product"expiry date represent important information for products consumption. They must contain clear
Illicit Material Detection using Dual-Energy X-Ray
Computer Engineering Department, Cankaya University , Turkey
Lhachemi El Badri1, and El-Mehdi Hamzaoui1 1 National Centre of Nuclear Energy, Sciences and Te chniques (CNESTEN), Morocco.
# Gamma-ray scanning
# distillation columns
# expert sy stem
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