ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Evaluation of Emission Reduction Performance of Power Enterprises Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine
Wanqing Zhang,Ruohan Huang,Luwei Ye
#Power generation enterprise
#evaluation indicators
#least squares support vector machine
#Lion swarm optimization algorithm
#chaos theory
HYAQP: A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Model for Air Quality Prediction Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Paradigms
Praveena Vasudevan,Chitra Ekambaram
#unsupervised machine learning
#hybrid optimization
#optimized k-means
#air quality prediction
Unmanned Target Vehicle Navigation and Path Planning Using Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Combined with GPS/BDS
Rongli Cai
#Ant colony
#path planning
#unmanned target vehicle
RSO based Optimization of Random Forest Classifier for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays
Khaled Baradieh,Mohd Zainuri,Mohamed Kamari,Yushaizad Yusof,Huda Abdullah,Mohd Zaman,Mohd Zulkifley
#fault classification
#fault detection
#machine learning
#random forest
CANBLWO: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Semantic Text Generation
Abhishek Kumar Pandey,Sanjiban Sekhar Roy
#Natural language processing
#natural language generation
#neural network
#convolutional attention network
#whale optimization algorithm
#large language model
Prediction of Football Players’ Value in the Transfer Market of Well-known European Leagues based on FIFA 19 and Real-world Data
Yu Sun,Kepeng Gu
#Transfer market
#European football leagues
#data engineering
#variance inflation factor
#regression prediction algorithms
#rhizostoma optimization algorithm
Analyzing Sentiments using Optimized Novel Ensemble Fuzzy and DL based Approach with Efficient Feature Selection and Extraction Models
Potu Bharath,Dasari Venkata Lakshmi
#Sentiment analysis
#deep convolutional fuzzy neural network
#multilayer stacked bidirectional LSTM neural network inception-ResNet-V2
#enhanced reptile search algorithm
#Al-Biruni earth radius optimization algorithm
Narwhal Optimizer: A Novel Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm
Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed,Fatima Boukhatem
#Narwhal optimizer
#nature-inspired algorithms
#swarm intelligence
A Novel Resource Scheduler for Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Big Data Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithm at Cloud Environment
Aarthee Selvaraj,Prabakaran Rajendran,Kanimozhi Rajangam
#Resource management
#particle swarm optimization
#computer performance
#data analysis
Hybrid Feature Selection based on BTLBO and RNCA to Diagnose the Breast Cancer
Mohan Allam,Nandhini Malaiyappan
#Hybrid feature selection
#binary teaching learning based optimization
#neighborhood component analysis
A Novel Codebook Generation by Smart Fruit Fly Algorithm based on Exponential Flight
Ilker Kilic
#Metaheuristic optimization technique
#fruit fly algorithm
#image compression
#codebook generation
A Hybrid Grey Wolf-Whale Optimization Algorithm for Classification of Corona Virus Genome Sequences using Deep Learning
Muthulakshmi Murugaiah,Murugeswari Ganesan
#Corona virus genome
#deep learning
#feature selection
#hybrid optimization
Solving QBF with Heuristic Small W orld
Abstract: In this paper, we use gaifman graph to describe the topological structure of the Quantified Boolean Formulae
# SW
# search algorithm
# optimization algorithm
Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Real Time
Poongothai Marimuthu, Rajeswari Arumugam, and Jabar Ali
# task assignment
# heterogeneous processors
# ant colony optimization
# real time systems
Mostafa Dahshan
#disjoint paths
# optical switched networks
# network survivability
# optimization algorithms
Efficient Mapping Algorithm on Mesh-based NoCs in Terms of Cellular Learning Automata
Mohammad Keley1, Ahmad Khademzadeh2, and Mehdi Hosseinzadeh1 1Department of Computer, Islamic Azad University, Iran 2Information and Communication Technology Research Institute, IRAN Telecommunication Research
#Cellular learning automata
# mapping algorithm
# network on chip
# optimization algorithm
# power consumption
Case Retrieval Algorithm Using Similarity Measure and Fractional Brain Storm Optimization for
Health Informaticians
#Case-based reasoning
# case retrieval
# optimization
# similarity
# fractional calculus
Wrapper based Feature Selection using Integrative Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm
Mohan Allam and Nandhini Malaiyappan
#Feature Selection
# Integrative Teaching Learning based Optimization
# Genetic Algorithm
# Breast Cancer
An Improved Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm Based Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
# cloud computing
# task scheduling
# optimization
# resource
# CloudSim and QoS
Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environments
Sawsan Alshattnawi and Mohammad AL-Marie
#Cloud computing
# load balancing
# metaheuristic optimization
# spider monkeys optimization
# tasks scheduling
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