The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Kernel Logistic Regression Algorithm for Large Scale Data Classification

classification problems. However, it is often not f ound in large+scale data classification problems an d this is mainly because it

afak Saraydemir1, Necmi Tapınar2, Osman Eroğul3 and Hülya Kayserili4 1Department of Electronics Engineering, Turkish Mili tary Academy, Turkey 2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Erciyes University, Turkey 3Department of Biomedical Engineering Centre, Gülhan e Military Medicine Academy, Turkey 4Department of Medical Genetics, Đstanbul University Medicine Faculty, Turkey

Prediction of Part of Speech Tags for Punjabi using Support Vector Machines

Abstract:Part-Of-Speech (POS)tagging is a task of assigning the appropriatePOSor lexical category to each word in a

An Anti-Spam Filter Based on One-Class IB Method in Small Training Sets

Abstract:We present an approach to email filtering based on one-class Information Bottleneck (IB) method in small training

Hybrid SVM/HMM Model for the Arab Phonemes

Multimedia Information System and Advanced Computin g Laboratory, Sfax University, Tunisia 

Rafik Djemili1, Hocine Bourouba2, and Amara Korba3 1Electronics Department, University of 20 Août, Alge ria 2Electronics Department, University Mentouri of Cons tantine, Algeria 3LASA, University Badji Mokhtar of Annaba, Algeria 

Person-Independent Facial Expression Recognition Based on Compound Local Binary Pattern (CLBP)

            2Samsung Bangladesh R & D Center Ltd, Bangladesh                                                                                3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ahs anullah University of Science and Technology, 

Zernike Moments and SVM for Shape Classification in Very High Resolution

Habib Mahi1, Hadria Isabaten2, and Chahira Serief1 1Earth Observation Division, Centre of Space Techniq ues, Algeria 2Faculty of Computing Science, Boudiaf University, A lgeria

Semantic Similarity based Web Document Classification Using Support Vector Machine

Abstract: With the rapid growth of information on the World Wide Web (WWW), classification of web documents has become

An Effective Sample Preparation Method for Diabetes Prediction

Abstract: Diabetes is a chronic disorder caused by metabolic malfunction in carbohydrate metabolism and it has become a