The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Abed Ahcène1, 2 and Guerti Mhania1 1Laboratoire Signal et Communications, Ecole Nationa le Polytechnique, Algeria 2Scientific and Technical Research Center for the Development of the Arabic Language, Algeria

Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Zarq a Private University, Jordan

Impulse Noise Reduction for Texture Images Using Real Word Spelling Correction Algorithm and

1Faculty of Computer Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

Image Steganography Based on Hamming Code

School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, China

GLoBD: Geometric and Learned Logic Algorithm

Houcine Boubaker1, Aymen Chaabouni1, Haikal El-Abed2, and Adel Alimi1 1Research Groups in Intelligent Machines Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia 2German International Cooperation, German University College Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

New Language Models for Spelling Correction

Saida Laaroussi, Si Lhoussain Aouragh, Abdellah Yousfi, Mohamed Nejja, Hicham Geddah, Said Ouatik El Alaoui