
Enhanced Median Flow Tracker for Videos with Illumination Variation Based on Photometric
Object tracking is a fundamental task in video surveillance, human-computer interaction and activity analysis. One
of the common challenges in visual object tracking is illumination variation. A large number of methods for tracking have been
proposed over the recent years, and median flow tracker is one of them which can handle various challenges. Median flow
tracker is designed to track an object using Lucas-Kanade optical flow method which is sensitive to illumination variation,
hence fails when sudden illumination changes occur between the frames. In this paper, we propose an enhanced median flow
tracker to achieve an illumination invariance to abruptly varying lighting conditions. In this approach, illumination variation
is compensated by modifying the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients of an image in the logarithmic domain. The
illumination variations are mainly reflected in the low-frequency coefficients of an image. Therefore, a fixed number of DCT
coefficients are ignored. Moreover, the Discrete Cosine (DC) coefficient is maintained almost constant all through the video
based on entropy difference to minimize the sudden variations of lighting impacts. In addition, each video frame is enhanced
by employing pixel transformation technique that improves the contrast of dull images based on probability distribution of
pixels. The proposed scheme can effectively handle the gradual and abrupt changes in the illumination of the object. The
experiments are conducted on fast-changing illumination videos, and results show that the proposed method improves median
flow tracker with outperforming accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art trackers.
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