
Mesh HDR WPAN Resource Allocation Optimization Approaches
In the multihop IEEE 802.15.5 networks, all the devices compete to the resources of a shared superframe. In order
to distribute these resources in a fair and satisfactory manner among the competing devices, we propose a distributed
optimization framework for resource allocation scheme in an IEEE 802.15.5 hop-1. For this purpose, we introduce in this
paper a suite of optimization problems for the hop-1 IEEE 802.15.5 resource allocation to optimize fairness and satisfaction
without exceeding the superframe size and respecting the demanded channel time size sent by the requesting devices.
Simulation results studied and compared the satisfaction factor and fairness index of the different proposed optimization
problems. Consequently, a trade-off between satisfaction and fairness should be conducted for choosing the optimal solution.
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Abed Ellatif Samhat received an engineering diploma from the Lebanese University, Beirut, in 2000 and a master degree and PhD in computer science from the Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, in 2001 and 2004, respectively. From 2005 to 2008, he was within France Telecom group as a Research Engineer at Orange Labs-Paris where he has been involved in several national and European projects including Ambient Networks and Gandalf. In 2009, he joined the Lebanese University, Beirut and he is currently a professor at the Faculty of Engineering. His areas of interest include heterogeneous wireless networks, cross layer design, access selection, mobility management and security. Matthieu Crussiere received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), Rennes, France, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. In 2005, he joined the Department of Telecommunications and Electronic Engineering at INSA as an Associate Professor and since this date, he has been with the Digital Communication Department of the Electronics and Telecommunications Institute of Rennes (IETR). In addition, in 2014, he started collaborations as an associate researcher at the Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) B-COM in Rennes. His main research interests lie in digital communications and signal processing techniques. His first works were focused on the optimization of high-bit rate powerline communications using hybrid multicarrier and spread-spectrum waveforms. Then he developed an expertise in adaptive resource allocation, optimization algorithms and system design for multicarrier and multiantenna systems. During the last years, he applied his research results to the optimization of broadcast, broadband and hybrid networks. He is author or co-author of more than 100 technical papers in international conferences and journals. He has been involved in several European and French national research projects in the field of powerline communications, broadcasting systems, ultra wideband and mobile radio communications. Jean-François Hélard received his Dipl.-Ing. and his Ph.D in electronics and signal processing from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Rennes in 1981 and 1992 respectively. From 1982 to 1997, he was research engineer and then head of channel coding for the digital broadcasting research group at France Telecom Research Center (Orange Labs) in Rennes. In 1997, he joined INSA Rennes, which is one of the « GrandesEcoles » in France, where he is today Full Professor, ClasseExceptionelle, which is the highest rank. He was Director of Research of INSA Rennes during 3 years fromdecember 2010 to december 2013. He was also during 8 years Deputy Director of the Rennes Institute for Electronics and Telecommunications (IETR, UMR CNRS 6164), which is an academic research laboratory of 400 people, created in 2002 in association with the CNRS. His research interests lie in signal processing techniques for digital communications, such as space- time and channel coding, multi-carrier modulation, as well as multi-user communications and cross-layer techniques. He is involved in several European and national research projects in the fields of digital video terrestrial broadcasting, mobile radio communications and cellular networks, power-line and ultra-wide-band communications, cooperative communications and relaying techniques. Prof. J-F. Hélard is a senior member of IEEE, author and co-author of more than 270 technical papers in international scientific journals and conferences, and holds 15 European patents. Ayman Khalil received his M.Sc in Networking and Telecommunications from the Lebanese University/Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon in 2007, and his Ph.D in Telecommunications from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), Rennes, France in 2010. During its Ph.D he was with the Electronics and Telecommunications Institute of Rennes (IETR), where he worked on the optimization of high data rate WPAN systems. He has been involved in several European projects including OMEGA where he worked for three years in developing solutions and protocols for next generation home networks. His main research interests lie in next generation wireless systems, heterogeneous networks, network coding, cross-layer resource allocation and optimization. He has been involved in supervising PhD students in Lebanon and France.