
An Efficient Group Key Agreement Scheme for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are considered as t he most promising terminal networks in future wireless
communications and characterized by flexibility, fa st and easy deployment, which make them an interest ing technology for
various applications. Group communication is one of the main concerns in MANETs. To provide the secure group
communication in wireless networks, a group key is required so that efficient symmetric encryption can be performed. In this
paper, we propose a constant round group key agreem ent scheme to enable secure group communications, which adopts the
Identity Based Broadcast Encryption (IBBE) methodol ogy. When a new Ad hoc network is constructed, the suggested scheme
requires no message exchange to establish a group k ey if the receivers’ identities are known to the broadcaster, which is an
advantage that outperforms most of the existing key agreement schemes. The proposed scheme can build a new group and
establish a new group key with ease when member joi ns or leaves. In addition, our scheme is efficient in computation and only
one bilinear pair computation is required for group members to obtain his/her session key. A highlight property of the scheme
is that communication cost remains unchanged as gro up size grows. Furthermore, we show that the new scheme is proved
secure without random oracle. Thus, the scheme can not only meet security demands of larger mobile Ad hoc networks but
also improve executing performance .
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