ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Loitering Based Human Crime Detection in Video Surveillance using Beluga Whale Adam Dingo Optimizer and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Nischita Waddenkery,Shridevi Soma
#Video surveillance
#loitering behavior
#human crime detection
#enhanced euclidean distance
#deep learning
Dynamic Healing Process Analysis: Image Morphing with Warping Technique for Nose and Esophagus Studies
Muhammad Siddiqi,Yousef Alhwaiti,Said Elaiwat,Marwan Abu-Zanona
#Computer vision
#image morphing
#face matching
#forward algorithm
#backward algorithm
Pedestrian Target Recognition Algorithm in Public Places Based on Representation Learning and Similarity Learning
Xiaowen Li
#singular value decomposition
#KNN algorithm
#AM-softmax function
#pedestrian target recognition
Survival Prediction of Children after Bone Marrow Transplant Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Hussam Alawneh,Ahmad Hasasneh
#Bone marrow transplant
#hematopoietic stem cell
#random forest
#gradient boost
#decision tree
FPGA based Flexible Implementation of Light Weight Inference on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Shefa Dawwd
#Standard convolution
#depthwise separable convolution
#deep convolutional neural networks
Narwhal Optimizer: A Novel Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm
Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed,Fatima Boukhatem
#Narwhal optimizer
#nature-inspired algorithms
#swarm intelligence
Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Decision Trees with Feature Selection Method
Alaa Sheta,Walaa El-Ashmawi,Abdelkarim Baareh
#Machine learning
#decision tree
#heart disease
Determining PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome Severity from Reddit Posts using Topic Modelling and Association Rule Mining
Santhi Selvaraj,Selva Nidhyananthan Sundaradhas
#Association rule mining
#bag of words
#frequent symptoms set
#topic modelling
Ar-CM-ViMETA: Arabic Image Captioning based on Concept Model and Vision-based Multi-Encoder Transformer Architecture
Asmaa Osman,Mohamed Shalaby,Mona Soliman,Khaled Elsayed
#Arabic image captioning
#computer vision
Impact of Data-Augmentation on Brain Tumor Detection Using Different YOLO Versions Models
Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi,Ali Ali,Ahmad Al-Qerem,Yazan Alsmadi,Amjad Aldweesh,Mohammad Alauthman,Omar Alzubi,Shadi Nashwan,Awad Ramadan,Musab Al-Zghoul,Someah Alangari
#objects detection
#brain tumor
#computer vision
Leveraging on Synthetic Data Generation Techniques to Train Machine Learning Models for Tenaga Nasional Berhad Stock Price Movement Prediction
#Stock price prediction
#machine learning
#synthetic data generation
Detecting Spam Reviews in Arabic by Deep Learning
Eman Aljadani,Fatmah Assiri,Areej Alshutayri
#Spam reviews
#spam reviews detection
#arabic language
#deep learning
#convolutional neural network
#bidirectional long short-term memory
From Neutrosophic Soft Set to Effective Neutrosophic Soft Set Generalizations and Applications
Sumyyah Al-Hijjawi,Abd Ghafur Ahmad,Shawkat Alkhazaleh
#Soft set
#neutrosophic soft set
#effective set
#effective fuzzy soft set
#effective neutrosophic soft set
The Strategy of Discriminating False Comments on the Internet by Fusing Probabilistic Topic and Word Vector Models
Fei Long
#Probabilistic topics
#word vectors
#online reviews
#false detection
Improvised Software Code Comprehension Using Data Mining
Ram Gopal Gupta,Ankur Dumka,Bireshwar Dass Mazumdar
#Software code comprehension
#code mining
#software maintainability
Research on the Innovation of College English Teaching Mode from the Perspective of VR/AR Technology
Hui Jiang
#VR/AR technology
#college English
#teaching mode
Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
Application of Decomposition Expression in Digital Video Object Segmentation
Jianfu Kong
#Video object segmentation
#deep learning
#decomposing expression
#bottleneck operator
#foreground segmentation
A Novel Space-Efficient Method for Detecting Network-Wide Heavy Hitters in Software-Defined Networking Using P4-Switch
Ali Alhaj,Wilson Bhukya,Rajendra Lal
#Software-defined networking security
#heavy-hitter detection
#P4 switch
#network monitoring
An Improved Q-Learning Algorithm Integrated into the Aloha Anti-Collision Protocol for Energy-Efficient RFID Systems
Van-Hoa Le,Duc-Nhat-Quang Nguyen,Viet-Minh-Nhat Vo
#RFID system
#aloha protocol
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