
Social Event Detection A Systematic Approach using Ontology and Linked Open Data with
With the growing interest in capturing daily activities and sharing it through social media sites, enormous amount
of multimedia content such as photographs, videos, texts, audio are made available on the web. Retrieval of multimedia
content has now become a trivial task. Generally, people show interest in sharing photographs to a well-known closed
community through social media sites like Flickr and Facebook. One solution to retrieve photographs is by identifying them as
events. This task is known as Social Event Detection (SED). From the Flickr website, with the use of metadata like photoID,
title, tags, description, date, time and geo-location for each photograph, the SED task is performed. As a central piece of the
SED task, ontology for events domain is implemented. First half of the work is an explicit knowledge representation by
constructing ontology for event detection using Protégé. Then, reasoning is done through HermiT reasoner and later SPARQL
query is done to retrieve the media representing each event. The second half of the work involves in linking open description of
specific events from different web services like Eventful, Last.fm, Foursquare, Upcoming and GeoNames. SPARQL query is
done to measure the retrieval performance of each event after making semantic link using Linked Open Data (LOD). Finally
an additional feature, the weather information for events is added, which shows removal of false positives in the SED task.
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