
Multi-Classifier Model for Software Fault Prediction
Prediction of fault prone module prior to testing is an emerging activity for software organizations to allocate
targeted resource for development of reliable software. These software fault prediction depend on the quality of fault and
related code extracted from previous versions of software. This paper, presents a novel framework by combining multiple
expert machine learning systems. The proposed multi-classifier model takes the benefits of best classifiers in deciding the
faulty modules of software system with consensus prior to testing. An experimental comparison is performed with various
outperformer classifiers in the area of fault prediction. We evaluate our approach on 16 public dataset from promise
repository which consists of National Aeronautics and Space Administration( NASA) Metric Data Program (MDP) projects
and Turkish software projects. The experimental result shows that our multi classifier approach which is the combination of
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB) and Random forest machine significantly improves the performance of
software fault prediction.
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