
A Dynamic Traffic Shaping Technique for a Scalable QoS in ATM Networks
Traffic shaping function becomes imperative for the new broadband services that are being deployed in order to
avoid information loss, to provide the end users multiple traffic options in terms of bandwidth and to ensure optimal use of the
communication channels. To simultaneously manage the amount of cell loss and delay experienced by two or more classes of
service categories constant bit rate/ variable bit rate, we developed a new buffer partitioning scheme tagged complete sharing
with gradual release. The proposed model was combined with a scheduling method known as weighted round robin with
absolute increment. An analytical model was developed for the proposed buffer partition to dynamically monitor and
determine the output mean rate of the classes of service present, and the individual mean rate of the class of service. The
model was simulated and performance evaluation carried out. The result thus obtained depicts a better performance as a
method of traffic shaper in a multi- quality of service traffic over asynchronous transfer mode networks.
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