Multi-Level Attack with Dynamic S-Box Variable Key Pattern Generation for Key Cohort Using AES
In recent times, data transmission in electronic medium is found to be more susceptible to several attacks. The study aims to control the multi-level attacks in encryption and decryption process by using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm based Simulation Box (S-Box) operations. In AES based variable key generation pattern, every round generates the new key. The generation of multiple keys strengthen the operation of AES-dynamic S box. The AES algorithm performs operation on a 128 bit plain text and utilizes identical key for decryption and encryption process. The proposed algorithm shows significant improvements in the quality of encryption and decryption. The performance of the proposed system has been analysed in accordance with delay, power consumption and number of slices. Further the efficiency of the proposed system has been compared with other existing methods such as Positive Polarity Reed Muller (PPRM), Modified Positive Polarity Reed Muller (MPPRM) Twisted Binary Decision Diagram (TBDD) and Composite Field (CF) architecture. The results exposed that the proposed system outperforms with superior performance.
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