Healthcare Data Security in Cloud Storage Using Light Weight Symmetric Key Algorithm
Now-a-days, healthcare monitoring system is very much important system in the medical field to know the patient‘s health status immediately. In the proposed system, the sensors are fixed over the patient’s body or placed at some distances around the body to collect patient’s significant parameters like blood pressure, temperature, heart beat rate, etc. These parameters are collected by the healthcare professionals through some connectivity mechanisms like Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc. These significant data will be outsourced to the cloud storage in a secure way to avoid attack from the attackers. So, we need some protection mechanism to safeguard this information. This article proposes a light weight cryptographic algorithm (symmetric key) via random number key generation using Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on Elliptic Curve (ECDH) cryptography. As a result of substituting bytes (S-box) and folding (horizontal and vertical) operations, the proposed symmetric key algorithm achieves the foremost properties of cryptography such as confusion and diffusion quite well. Experimental results showed that the overall execution time of the proposed algorithm is superior to the standard Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. The throughput rate of the proposed algorithm is 20.525095 KB/seconds whereas for the standard AES algorithm throughput rate is 18.727215 KB/seconds. So, the proposed algorithm is faster than the existing AES algorithm. Moreover, the construction of S-box, IS-box and the key generation procedures are entirely different in the proposed algorithm so, it increases the complexity for the attacker and it will create confusion to the attacker.
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