ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Qaisar Abbas1, Irene Fondo´n2, and Emre Celebi3 1College of Computer and Information Sciences, Al Im am Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
#Bio$inspired system taxonomy
# ontogeny
# phylo geny
# epigeny
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
# optimization problem
# chaos evolutionary algor ithm
Test Case PrioritizationforRegression Testing Using Immune Operator
Abstract:Regressiontesting is a time consuming, costly process of re-running existing test cases.Assoftware evolves, the
# vaccine
# test case prioritization
# regression testing
Enhancing the Optimal Robust Watermarking
#Polyalphabetic cipher
# Vigenere cipher
# genetic alg orithm
Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Quantum Genetic Algorithm
SCAL Group of the MISC Laboratory, University Mento uri, Algeria
#Genetic algorithm
# knapsack problem
# quantum genet ic algorithm
# quantum computing
# Chaotic optimization
# GA
# volatility
Skyline Recommendation in Distributed Networks
Abstract: Skyline recommendation technology has recently received a lot of attention in the database community. However,
#Skyline recommendation
# distributed networks
# map/reduce
# genetic algorithm
Auto-Poietic Algorithm for Multiple Sequence
Centre for Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University, India
# crossover
# genetic algorithm
# mutation
# multiple sequence alignment
# selection
Incorporating Unsupervised Machine Learning
Maragathavalli Palanivel and Kanmani Selvadurai
#Test case selection and prioritization
# group-wise clustering
Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Quantum Genetic Algorithm
SCAL Group of the MISC Laboratory, University Mento uri, Algeria
#Genetic algorithm
# knapsack problem
# quantum genet ic algorithm
# quantum computing
Colour Histogram and Modified Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network based Video Shot
Boundary Detection
#Abrupt; fade-in; fade-out; dissolve; shot boundary detection; neural network; genetic algorithm
Realistic Heterogeneous Genetic-based RSU Placement Solution for V2I Networks
Mahmoud Al Shareeda, Ayman Khalil, and Walid Fahs
#Vehicular model
# genetic algorithm
# optimization
Evolutionary Testing for Timing Analysis of Parallel Embedded Software
Muhammad Waqar Aziz and Syed Abdul Baqi Shah
#Embedded real-time software
# worst-case execution-time analysis
# measurement-based analysis
# end-to-end testing
# genetic algorithm
# parallel computing
A Sentiment Analysis System for the Hindi Language by Integrating Gated Recurrent Unit
with Genetic Algorithm
#Sentiment analysis
# Hindi language
# multilingual
# deep learning
# gated recurrent unit
# genetic algorithm
A Self-Healing Model for QoS-aware Web Service Composition
Doaa Elsayed1, Eman Nasr3, Alaa El Ghazali4, and Mervat Gheith2
#Web service composition
# self-healing
# quality of service
# user requirements
# K-means clustering
The Performance of Penalty Methods on Tree-Seed Algorithm for Numerical Constrained Optimization
#Constrained optimization
# penalty functions
# penalty approaches
# tree-seed algorithm
Intrusion Detection Model Using Naive Bayes and Deep Learning Technique
Mohammed Tabash, Mohamed Abd Allah, and Bella Tawfik
# intrusion detection
# deep learning
# genetic algorithm
# naïve bayes
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