ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Leveraging on Synthetic Data Generation Techniques to Train Machine Learning Models for Tenaga Nasional Berhad Stock Price Movement Prediction
#Stock price prediction
#machine learning
#synthetic data generation
Empowering Intrusion Detection Systems: A Synergistic Hybrid Approach with Optimization and Deep Learning Techniques for Network Security
Ramya Chinnasamy,Malliga Subramanian,Nandita Sengupta
#Artificial neural network
#deep learning
#honey badger optimization
#intrusion detection system
A Neuro Phenotypic Evolution Algorithm for Recognizing Human Motion Type
Ivan Stepanyan,Safa Hameed
#Breaking up processes
#combining processes
#multi-dimensional data
#phenotypic neuro-evolutionary
Muzzle Classification Using Neural Networks
Ibrahim El-Henawy, Hazem El-bakry, and Hagar El-Hadad
#Muzzle classification
#image processing
#neural networks
An Unsupervised Feed Forward Neural Network Method for Efficient Clustering
Roya Asadi,Mitra Asadi,Shokoofeh Asadi
#Artificial neural network
#feed forward neural network
#unsupervised learning
#real weight
RoboGuard: Enhancing Robotic System Security with Ensemble Learning
Ali Al Maqousi,Mohammad Alauthman
#Robotic systems
#malware detection
#machine learning
#ensemble learning
#synthetic minority over-sampling technique
Performance Comparison of Multiple ANN Optimizer on IoT-enabled Sensor Fire Dataset
Sudip Suklabaidya,Indrani Das
#Sensor dataset
#fire detection
Machine Learning Models for Statistical Analysis
Marko Grebovic,Luka Filipovic,Ivana Katnic,Milica Vukotic,Tomo Popovic
#Machine learning
#artificial neural networks
#statistical models
#accuracy measures
An Artificial Neural Network Approach for
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute o f Information Technology, Pakistan
#Sentence boundary identification
# feed forwardneura l network
# back propagation learning algorithm
# pavement design
# neural network
# mech anistic-empirical
# flexible pavements
A Software Tool for Automatic Generation of Neural Hardware
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute and Comp etence Centre for Exact Sciences and Engineering,
# Artificial neural networks
# feedforward neural netw orks
# system generator
# matlab
# xilinx
# simulink
# integrated software environment
Audiovisual Speaker Identification Based on Lip and Speech Modalities
Abstract: In this article, we pre sent a bimodal speaker identification method, which integrates both acoustic and visual
Enhanced Hybrid Prediction Models for Time Series Prediction
as artificial neural networks are considered to be better for prediction of data with non-linear patterns. In the real-life, time-
#Hybrid model
# adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems
# soft computing
# neural network
# statistical techniques
Off-line Arabic Hand-Writing Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network with Genetics Algorithm
Abstract: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were used in the recognition of the printed Arabic text with a high rate
# GA
# Feature vector
# character recognition
# arabic hand-written text
# Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
Design and Development of Suginer Filter for Intrusion Detection Using Real Time Network Data
Abstract: By rapid use of the Internet and computer network all over the world makes security a major issues, so using the
#Intrusion detection
# wiener filter
# artificial neural network
# knowledge discovery dataset
# network socket layer
# defense advanced research projects agency
# support vector machine
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition for
University, Bangladesh 2Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
#Haar-cascade classifier
# facial expression
# artificial neural network
# template matching
# lucas-kanade optical flow
Applications of Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network for ICSI Prediction
Zeinab Abbas1, Ali Saad1, Mohammad Ayache1, and Chadi Fakih2 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Islamic University of Lebanon, Lebanon 2Department of medicine, Lebanese University and Saint Joseph University, Lebanon
#Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
# Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART)
# In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
# logistic regression
A Model for English to Urdu and Hindi Machine Translation System using Translation Rules and
Artificial Neural Network
#Machine translation
# artificial neural network
# english
# hindi
# urdu
Credit-card Fraud Detection System using Neural Networks
Salwa Al Balawi,Njood Aljohani
#fraud detection
#machine learning
#deep learning
#neural networks
Highly Accurate Grey Neural Network Classifier for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Classification Based on Image Processing Approach
Anandh Sam Chandra Bose,Vasuki Ramesh
#Adaptive median filter
#artificial neural network-based segmentation
#gray neural network classifier
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