ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
Speech-Based Techniques for Emotion Detection in Natural Arabic Audio Files
Ashraf Kaloub,Eltyeb Abed Elgabar
#Emotion detection
#natural language processing
#machine learning
#Arabic language
#acoustic features
Improvement of Translation Accuracy for the Word Sense Disambiguation System using Novel Classifier Approach
Ajith Abraham,Bineet Kumar Gupta,Satya Bhushan Verma,Archana Sachindeo Maurya,Mohammad Husain,Arshad Ali,Sami Alshmrany,Sanjay Gupta
#Bayes theorem
#machine learning
#machine translation
#naïve bayes classification
#supervised approach
#unsupervised approach
#and word sense disambiguation
CANBLWO: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Semantic Text Generation
Abhishek Kumar Pandey,Sanjiban Sekhar Roy
#Natural language processing
#natural language generation
#neural network
#convolutional attention network
#whale optimization algorithm
#large language model
Analyzing Sentiments using Optimized Novel Ensemble Fuzzy and DL based Approach with Efficient Feature Selection and Extraction Models
Potu Bharath,Dasari Venkata Lakshmi
#Sentiment analysis
#deep convolutional fuzzy neural network
#multilayer stacked bidirectional LSTM neural network inception-ResNet-V2
#enhanced reptile search algorithm
#Al-Biruni earth radius optimization algorithm
Analysis of QA System Behavior against Context and Question Changes
Rachid Karra,Abdelali Lasfar
#Adversarial attacks
#data quality
#question answering
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Analysis of QA System Behavior against Context and Question Changes
Rachid Karra,Abdelali Lasfar
#Adversarial attacks
#data quality
#question answering
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Simultaneously Identifying Opinion Targets and Opinion-bearing Words Based on Multi-Features in Chinese Micro-Blog Texts
Quanchao Liu,Heyan Huang,Chong Feng
#Opinion mining
#opinion target identification
#feature-opinion pairs
#sentiment polarity
Induction of Co-existing Items Available in Distributed Version Control Systems for Software Development
Sibel Özyer
#Version control systems
#requirement analysis
#co-occurrence analysis
#natural language processing
A Topic-Specific Web Crawler using Deep Convolutional Networks
Saed ALqaraleh,Hatice Meltem Nergız Sırın
#natural language processing
#text classification
#topic specific crawler
#focused crawler
#web crawling
Exploring the Performance of Farasa and CAMeL Taggers for Arabic Dialect Tweets
Aseel Alfaidi,Hajer Alwadei,Areej Alshutayri,Shahd Alahdal
#Dialect arabic tweets
#POS tagging
#MSA tagger
#farasa tagger
#CAMeL tagger
Exploring the Potential of Schemes in Building NLP
LaTICE Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, Tunisia
Yassine Benajiba2, Mona Diab2, and Paolo Rosso1 1Natural Language Engineering Laboratory, ELiRF, Uni versidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain
#Arabic natural language processing
# classification
# information extraction
# named entity recognition
A New Approach for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Abstract: A Named Entity Recognition (NER) plays a noteworthy role in Natural Language Processing (NLP) research, since
#Arabic NE
# machine learning
# web document
# information retrieval
# information extraction
Development of a Hindi Named Entity Recognition System without Using Manually Annotated
Abstract: Machine learning based approach for Named Entity Recognition (NER) requires sufficient annotated corpus to
#Natural language processing
# machine learning
# named entity recognition
# resource scarcity
# language transfer
# semi-supervised learning
Toward a New Arabic Question Answering System Imane Lahbari, Said El Alaoui, and Khalid Zidani
language. In this paper, we describe our question processing and document retrieval as two components of Arabic QAS. First,
#Natural language processing
# Arabic question answering system
# question classification
# taxonomy
# machine learning approach
# decision-tree
# naive bayes
# POS tagging
# query expansion
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