ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Linking Palliative Homecare to the Universal Health Coverage Principles and the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals Using the i* Frameworkâs Strategic and Social Requirements Modelling, Applied to a Cancer Care Organisation
Yousra Odeh,Dina Tbaishat,Faten F. Kharbat,Omar Shamieh,Mohammed Odeh
#Universal health coverage
#i* framework
#home health care
#palliative care
#goal-oriented modelling
#social requirements modelling
#cancer care process modelling
#cancer care informatics
#cancer care sociotechnical systems
The Development of a Simplified ProcessModel for CBSD Hazleen Aris1 and Siti Salwah Salim2
Abstract: This study introduces the MyCL process model, a simplified Component-Based Software Development (CBSD)
#Software methodology
# component-based software development
# software engineering
# process model
Service-Oriented Process Modelling for Device Control in Future Networks
Abstract: The recent advancements in the fields of electronics, information and communication technologies have paved a
#Process modelling
# future networks
# device profile
# device control
SynchroState: A SPEM-based Solution for Synchronizing Activities and Products through
#Synchro state
# metamodeling
# process model
# synchronization
# aspectJ
Service Process Modelling and Performance Analysis for Composite Context Provisioning in IoT
our life. Some devices are being used by us such as the smart phones while others are most of the time invisible to us such as
#Composite context
# provisioning service
# sensing
# data collection
# service-orientation
Using MCDM and FaaS in Automating the Eligibility of Business Rules in the Decision-Making Process
Riadh Ghlala,Zahra Kodia,Lamjed Ben Said
#Serverless computing
Software Project Duration Estimation Based on COSMIC Method Applied to Data Flow Diagram
Zoltan Kazi, Ljubica Kazi
#Business process model
# CRUD operations
# software effort estimation
# functional process
# data movement
# data manipulation
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