ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Image Object and Scene Recognition Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network
Guoyan Li,Fei Wang
#Object recognition
#deep learning
#scene recognition
#convolutional neural network
#sliding window fusion
TDMCS: An Efficient Method for Mining Closed
Meng Han, Jian Ding, and Juan Li School of Computer Science and Engineering, North Minzu University, China
#data stream mining
# frequent pattern mining
# closed pattern mining
# time decay model
# sliding window
# concept drift
Generalization of Impulse Noise Removal Hussain Dawood1, Hassan Dawood2, and Ping Guo3 1Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2Department of Software Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan 3Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Beijing Normal University, China
are proposed to increase from four to eight directions to preserve the edges and to identify the noise, effectively. Modified
#Directional weighted median filter
# multi-texton
# impulse noise
# random-valued impulse noise
# salt-and-pepper noise
# noise identification
# modified switching median filter
Clustering Based on Correlation Fractal Dimension
Abstract: Online clustering, in an evolving high dimensional data is an amazing challenge for data mining applications.
# data stream
# fractal
# self-similarity
# sliding window
# damped window
PatHT: An Efficient Method of Classification over Evolving Data Streams
Meng Han, Jian Ding, and Juan Li School of Computer Science and Engineering, North Minzu University, China
Mining Recent Maximal Frequent Itemsets Over
Data Streams with Sliding Window
#Data streams
# recent maximal frequent itemsets
# sliding window
# matrix structure
Mining Android Bytecodes through the Eyes of Gabor Filters for Detecting Malware
Shahid Alam,Alper Kamil Demir
#Android bytecode
#malware analysis and detection
#sliding window
#gabor filters
#gabor features
#machine learning
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