ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Application of Decomposition Expression in Digital Video Object Segmentation
Jianfu Kong
#Video object segmentation
#deep learning
#decomposing expression
#bottleneck operator
#foreground segmentation
Application of Video Game Algorithm Based on Deep Q-Network Learning in Music Rhythm Teaching
Shilian Zhang,Zheng Huang,Yalin Lang
#DQN network learning
#video game algorithms
#the rhythm of music
#teaching practice
Inventory Optimization Using Data Science Technologies for Supply Chain 4.0
Emna Bouazizi,Ayman Khedr,Sherin Elfaioumy,Mohamed Belal
#Supply chain 4.0
#inventory management
#regression algorithm
Semi-Supervised Kernel Discriminative Low-Rank Ridge Regression for Data Classification
Qi Zhu,Yong Peng
#Discriminative subspace
#low-rank regression
#kernel space
#ridge regression
#semi-supervised classification
Using Deep Learning for Profitable Concrete Forecasting Methods
Ayat Al-Hinawi,Radwan Alelaimat
#Concrete performance prediction
#machine learning
#deep learning
#construction management
HYAQP: A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Model for Air Quality Prediction Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Paradigms
Praveena Vasudevan,Chitra Ekambaram
#unsupervised machine learning
#hybrid optimization
#optimized k-means
#air quality prediction
Prediction of Football Players’ Value in the Transfer Market of Well-known European Leagues based on FIFA 19 and Real-world Data
Yu Sun,Kepeng Gu
#Transfer market
#European football leagues
#data engineering
#variance inflation factor
#regression prediction algorithms
#rhizostoma optimization algorithm
Survival Prediction of Children after Bone Marrow Transplant Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Hussam Alawneh,Ahmad Hasasneh
#Bone marrow transplant
#hematopoietic stem cell
#random forest
#gradient boost
#decision tree
Low Dimensional Multi Class Steganalysis of Spatial LSB based Stego Images Using Textural Features
Veena Sivasamy Thanasekaran,Arivazhagan Selvaraj
#Active steganalysis
#blind steganalysis
#statistical steganalysis
#multi class classifier
#spatial domain algorithms
#ensemble classifier
Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines
Aditya Dubey,Pradeep Yadav,Subhash Chandra Patel
#wind power curve model
#statistical model
Low Dimensional Multi Class Steganalysis of Spatial LSB based Stego Images Using Textural Features
Veena Sivasamy Thanasekaran,Arivazhagan Selvaraj
#Active steganalysis
#blind steganalysis
#statistical steganalysis
#multi class classifier
#spatial domain algorithms
#ensemble classifier
Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines
Aditya Dubey,Pradeep Yadav,Subhash Chandra Patel
#wind power curve model
#statistical model
Speech Scrambling based on Independent Component Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization
Nidaa Abbas,Jahanshah Kabudian
#itakura-saito distance
#speech scrambling
LWE Based Quantum-Resistant Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Atul Kumar,Arun Mishra
#Learning with errors
#homomorphic function
#pseudo-random number generator
#homomorphic function
#linear feedback shift register
#NIST statistical test suite
Design and Study of Zombie Enterprise Classification and Recognition Systems Based on Ensemble Learning
Shutong Pang,Ziwei Yang,Chengyou Cai,Zhimin Li
#Integrated learning
#corporate portrait
#classification and identification
#strong supervision model
Exact Algorithm for Batch Scheduling on Unrelated Machine
Hemmak Allaoua
#unrelated machine
#exact method
#parallel machine
#batch scheduling
Temporal Residual Network Based Multi-Head Attention Model for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
Ramzi Zouari,Dalila Othmen,Houcine Boubaker,Monji Kherallah
#Beta stroke
#skip connection
#vanishing gradient
Machine Learning Models for Statistical Analysis
Marko Grebovic,Luka Filipovic,Ivana Katnic,Milica Vukotic,Tomo Popovic
#Machine learning
#artificial neural networks
#statistical models
#accuracy measures
Incorporating Triple Attention and Multi-scale Pyramid Network for Underwater Image Enhancement
Kaichuan Sun,Yubo Tian
#Underwater image enhancement
#attention mechanism
#multi-scale pyramid network
Multiclass SVM based Spoken Hindi Numerals
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