ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
Speech-Based Techniques for Emotion Detection in Natural Arabic Audio Files
Ashraf Kaloub,Eltyeb Abed Elgabar
#Emotion detection
#natural language processing
#machine learning
#Arabic language
#acoustic features
OntoDin: An Islamic Ontology of Quran and Hadith
Fairouz Bendjamaa,Nora Taleb
#Ontology engineering
#semantic representation
#religious texts
Arabic Text Detection on Traffic Panels in Natural Scenes
Houssem Turki,Mohamed Elleuch,Kamal Othman,Monji Kherallah
#Traffic panels
#scene Arabic text detection
#traffic textual information
#Arabic scripts in the wild
#deep learning
Detecting Spam Reviews in Arabic by Deep Learning
Eman Aljadani,Fatmah Assiri,Areej Alshutayri
#Spam reviews
#spam reviews detection
#arabic language
#deep learning
#convolutional neural network
#bidirectional long short-term memory
Ar-CM-ViMETA: Arabic Image Captioning based on Concept Model and Vision-based Multi-Encoder Transformer Architecture
Asmaa Osman,Mohamed Shalaby,Mona Soliman,Khaled Elsayed
#Arabic image captioning
#computer vision
Embedding Search for Quranic Texts based on Large Language Models
Mohammed Alqarni
#Semantic search
#quranic texts
#large language models
#GPT 3
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Embedding Search for Quranic Texts based on Large Language Models
Mohammed Alqarni
#Semantic search
#quranic texts
#large language models
#GPT 3
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Fuzzy Modeling for Handwritten Arabic Numeral Recognition
Dhiaa Musleh,Khaldoun Halawani,Sabri Mahmoud
#Automatic fuzzy modeling
#arabic online digit recognition
#directional features
#online digits structural features
Design and Implementation of a Diacritic Arabic Text-To-Speech System
Aissa Amrouche,Leila Falek,Hocine Teffahi
#Arabic Language
#Speech synthesis
#Unit selection
#Bi-grams model
Effects of Using Arabic Web Pages in Building Rank Estimation Algorithm for Google Search Engine Results Page
Mohamed Almadhoun,Nurul Malim
#Web data mining
#search engine optimization
#search engine results pages
#rank estimation
#scrap search engine
#machine learning
#digital marketing
BPTI: Bilingual Printed Text Images Dataset for Recognition Purposes
Mohammad Yahia,Husni Al-Muhtaseb
#Optical character recognition
#text images dataset
New Model of Feature Selection based Chaotic Firefly Algorithm for Arabic Text Categorization
Meryeme Hadni,Hassane Hjiaj
#Chaotic method
#firefly algorithm
#arabic text categorization
#feature selection
Temporal Residual Network Based Multi-Head Attention Model for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
Ramzi Zouari,Dalila Othmen,Houcine Boubaker,Monji Kherallah
#Beta stroke
#skip connection
#vanishing gradient
MIRNA: Adaptive 3D Game to Assist Children's Distance Learning Difficulties; Design and Use
Dheya Mustafa,Intisar Ghazi Mustafa,Samah Zriqat,Qutaibah AlThebyan
#Distance learning
#game engine
#3D graphics
#games for learning
Utilizing Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm as Feature Selection Method in Arabic Text Classification
Musab Mustafa Hijazi,Akram Zeki,Amelia Ismail
#Artificial bee colony
#Arabic text classification
#wrapper feature selection
#feature selection
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