The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Event Extraction from Classical Arabic Texts

Abstract: Event  extraction  is  one  of  the  most  useful  and  chal lenging  Information  Extraction  (IE)  tasks  that  can be  used  in 

Yassine Benajiba2, Mona Diab2, and Paolo Rosso1 1Natural Language Engineering Laboratory, ELiRF, Uni versidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain

Semantic Similarity based Web Document Classification Using Support Vector Machine

Abstract: With the rapid growth of information on the World Wide Web (WWW), classification of web documents has become

Impulse Noise Reduction for Texture Images Using Real Word Spelling Correction Algorithm and

1Faculty of Computer Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

A Machine Learning System for Distinguishing Nominal and Verbal Arabic Sentences

structures than other languages. Thus, it is important to learn about the specialty and the structure of this language to deal

Building a Syntactic-Semantic Interface for aSemi- Automatically Generated TAG for Arabic

providing information about the correct structural representations of the sentences and their meaning. To date, there is not a

A Deep Learning Approach for the Romanized Tunisian Dialect Identification

Jihene Younes1, Hadhemi Achour1, Emna Souissi2, and Ahmed Ferchichi1 1Université de Tunis, ISGT, Tunisia 2Université de Tunis, ENSIT, Tunisia

Enhanced Latent Semantic Indexing Using Cosine Similarity Measures for Medical Application

Fawaz Al-Anzi1 and Dia AbuZeina2 1Department of Computer Engineering, Kuwait University, Kuwait 2Computer Science Department, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine

Syntactic Annotation in the I3rab Dependency Treebank

Dana Halabi1, Arafat Awajan1,3, and Ebaa Fayyoumi2 1Department of Computer Science, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan 2Department of Computer Science, Hashemite University, Jordan 3Information Technology College, Computer Science Department, Mutah University, Jordan

Text Summarization Technique for Punjabi Language Using Neural Networks

Arti Jain1, Anuja Arora1, Divakar Yadav2, Jorge Morato3, and Amanpreet Kaur1 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Information Technology, India 3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain