ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
Application of Decomposition Expression in Digital Video Object Segmentation
Jianfu Kong
#Video object segmentation
#deep learning
#decomposing expression
#bottleneck operator
#foreground segmentation
An Improved Q-Learning Algorithm Integrated into the Aloha Anti-Collision Protocol for Energy-Efficient RFID Systems
Van-Hoa Le,Duc-Nhat-Quang Nguyen,Viet-Minh-Nhat Vo
#RFID system
#aloha protocol
Empowering Intrusion Detection Systems: A Synergistic Hybrid Approach with Optimization and Deep Learning Techniques for Network Security
Ramya Chinnasamy,Malliga Subramanian,Nandita Sengupta
#Artificial neural network
#deep learning
#honey badger optimization
#intrusion detection system
An Enhanced Q-Learning MAC Protocol for Energy Efficiency and Convergence in Underwater Sensor Networks
Islam Ud Din,Irshad Abbasi,Sikandar Ali,Khalil Al Ruqeishi
#under water sensor networks
#MAC protocol
#adaptive Q-Learning
#energy efficiency
Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Cyberbullying Detection in Social Networks Using Deep Learning
Hayel Khafajeh
#Cyberbullying detection
#deep learning
#social networks
#convolutional neural networks
#long short-term memory
#bidirectional encoder representations from transformers
A Flexible Algorithm Design of Spatial Scalability for Real-time Surveillance Applications
Zhe Zheng,Jinghua Liu,Darui Sun,Jinghui Lu,Song Qiu,Yanwei Xiong,Rui Liu,Wenpeng Cu
#Video compression
#video transmission
#scalable coding
#inter-layer reference
#image rescaling
#reference picture management
Review of Agile SDLC for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Small Organizations Using Scrum-XP
Gerardo Salazar-Salazar,Manuel Mora,Hector Duran-Limon,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez,Angel Munoz-Zavala
#Big data analytics systems
#agile system development life cycle
#small business
Disease Prognosis of Fetal Heart’s Four-Chamber and Blood Vessels in Ultrasound Images Using CNN Incorporated VGG 16 and Enhanced DRNN
Someshwaran Gunasekaran,Sarada Vivekasaran
#Fetal heart disease
#ultrasound images
#augmented wiener filter
#median modified wiener filter
#region of interest
#convolutional neural network
#visual geometry group 16
#deep recurrent neural network
Tamil Lang TSP: Tamil Lang Transformer Neural Text to Sign Production
Thillai Sivakavi S,Minu R I
#Sign language production
#Roberta morpho syntactic analysis
#sign language production network
Effective Test Cases Generation with Harmony Search and RBF Neural Network
Hemant Kumar,Vipin Saxena
#Algorithm optimization
#automated testing
#test cases
#hybrid algorithm and software testing efficiency
Using Deep Learning for Profitable Concrete Forecasting Methods
Ayat Al-Hinawi,Radwan Alelaimat
#Concrete performance prediction
#machine learning
#deep learning
#construction management
Evaluation of Emission Reduction Performance of Power Enterprises Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine
Wanqing Zhang,Ruohan Huang,Luwei Ye
#Power generation enterprise
#evaluation indicators
#least squares support vector machine
#Lion swarm optimization algorithm
#chaos theory
Image Encryption Using Modified Perturbed Logistic Map
Subhashini Kumaran,Amutha Ramachandran
#Improved zig zag transformation
#image encryption
#DNA operations
#modified perturbed logistic map
#quaternary DNA encoding
3D VAE Video Prediction Model with Kullback Leibler Loss Enhancement
Zahraa Al Mokhtar,Shefa Dawwd
#3D sampling stage
#kullback leibler loss
#temporal 3D sampling stage
#three dimensional RNN layers
#variational autoencoder
HYAQP: A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Model for Air Quality Prediction Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Paradigms
Praveena Vasudevan,Chitra Ekambaram
#unsupervised machine learning
#hybrid optimization
#optimized k-means
#air quality prediction
Enhanced Soccer Training Simulation Using Progressive Wasserstein GAN and Termite Life Cycle Optimization in Virtual Reality
Xiang Cheng,Pingping Zhang
#progressive Wasserstein generative adversarial network
#soccer training termite life cycle optimization
#virtual reality
An Improved Classification Model for English Syntax Error Correction Design of DL Algorithm
Xue Han
#syntax error
#classification model
#neural network
#attention mechanism
Arabic Text Detection on Traffic Panels in Natural Scenes
Houssem Turki,Mohamed Elleuch,Kamal Othman,Monji Kherallah
#Traffic panels
#scene Arabic text detection
#traffic textual information
#Arabic scripts in the wild
#deep learning
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