The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

An Efficient Approach for Mining Frequent Item

1Division of Data Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam 2Faculty of Information Technology, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam 3Faculty of Technology, Pacific Ocean University, Vietnam 4Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

An Effective Data Warehousing System for RFID Using Novel Data Cleaning, Data Transformation and Loading Techniques

Abstract:   Nowadays,  the  vital  parts  of  the  business  programs   are  the  data  warehouses  and  the  data  mining  techni ques. 

Constraint-Based Sequential Pattern Mining: A Pattern Growth Algorithm Incorporating

Bhawna Mallick1, Deepak Garg1, and Preetam Singh Grover2 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tha par University, India 2Institute of Technology Grater Noida University, India

TDMCS: An Efficient Method for Mining Closed

Meng Han, Jian Ding, and Juan Li School of Computer Science and Engineering, North Minzu University, China

Intelligent Replication for Distributed Active Real- Time Databases Systems

nature and need to handle data in a timely fashion. Obtaining data from remote sites may take long time making the temporal

Effective and Efficient Utility Mining Technique for

1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University, India 2Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Ramaswami Memorial University, India

An Effective Data Warehousing System for RFID Using Novel Data Cleaning, Data Transformation and Loading Techniques

Abstract:   Nowadays,  the  vital  parts  of  the  business  programs   are  the  data  warehouses  and  the  data  mining  techni ques.