ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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A Review of SDLCs for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Very Small Entities Using the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard-Basic Profile
David Montoya-Murillo,Manuel Mora,Sergio Galvan-Cruz,Angel Munoz-Zavala,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez
#ISO/IEC-29110-standard for VSEs
Horizontal Sequence Pooling Technique in Convolutional Neural Networks to Optimize Feature Extraction for DNA Sequence Classification
Lilibeth Coronel,Arnel Fajardo,Ruji Medina
#Pooling technique
#convolutional neural network
#feature extraction
#genomic sequence
Detecting Spam Reviews in Arabic by Deep Learning
Eman Aljadani,Fatmah Assiri,Areej Alshutayri
#Spam reviews
#spam reviews detection
#arabic language
#deep learning
#convolutional neural network
#bidirectional long short-term memory
Leveraging on Synthetic Data Generation Techniques to Train Machine Learning Models for Tenaga Nasional Berhad Stock Price Movement Prediction
Nur Aliah Syahmina Mohd Nazarudin,Nor Hapiza Mohd Ariffin,Ruhaila Maskat
#Stock price prediction
#machine learning
#synthetic data generation
Performance Comparison of Multiple ANN Optimizer on IoT-enabled Sensor Fire Dataset
Sudip Suklabaidya,Indrani Das
#Sensor dataset
#fire detection
Genetic Algorithm with Random and Memory Immigrant Strategies for Solving Dynamic Load Balanced Clustering Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohaideen Pitchai
#Wireless sensor networks
#genetic algorithm
#load balanced clustering
#random immigrants
#memory immigrants
Deep Learning Based Mobilenet and Multi-Head Attention Model for Facial Expression Recognition
Aicha Nouisser,Ramzi Zouari,Monji Kherallah
#skip connection
#transfer learning
Improvement in Rebalanced CRT RSA Seema Verma and Deepak Garg
saving. This paper concentrates on the performance improvement. Rebalanced RSA is designed to improve the decryption
Balanced Workload Clusters for Distributed Object Oriented Software
Abstract: When clustering objects to be allocated on a numbe r of nodes, most researches focus only on either the
# Load balance
# distributed system
# software restruct uring
# cluster algorithms
RPLB:A Replica Placement Algorithm inData Grid with Load Balancing
Abstract:Data gridisaninfrastructurebuilt based on internetwhichfacilitates sharing and management ofgeographically
# load balancing
# data grid
# data replication
Evaluating Social Context in Arabic Opinion Mining Mohammed Al-Kabi1, Izzat Alsmadi2, Rawan Khasawneh3, and Heider Wahsheh4 1Computer Science Department, Zarqa University, Jordan 2Computer Science Department, University of New Haven, USA 3Computer Information Systems Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan 4Computer Science Department, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia
balanced benchmark corpus. To accomplish this study ten Arabic lexicons were constructed manually, and a new tool called
#Big data
# social networks
# sentiment analysis
# Arabic text classification
# and analysis
# opinion mining
Hybrid Support Vector Machine based Feature Selection Method for Text Classification
However, high dimensionality is a considerable impediment observed in the text classification field in spite of the fact that
#Feature ranking
# text classification
# feature selection
# SVM-based weighting
# hybridization
# dimensionality reduction
Arabic Speaker Independent Continuous Automatic Speech Recognition Based on a
Mohammad Abushariah1,2, Raja Ainon1, Roziati Zainuddin1, Moustafa Elshafei3, and Othman Khalifa4
#Arabic automatic speech recognition
# arabic speech corpus
# phonetically rich and balanced
# acoustic model
# statistical language model
(m, k)-Firm Constraints and Derived Data Management for the QoS Enhancement in
Distributed Real-Time DBMS
#Software DRTDBMS
# QoS management
# feedback control scheduling
# (m
# k)-firm constraints
# derived data
A Novel Feature Selection Method Based on Maximum Likelihood Logistic Regression for
Imbalanced Learning in Software Defect Prediction
#Software defect prediction· Machine learning· Class imbalance· Maximum-likelihood logistic regression
Default Prediction Model: The Significant Role of
Data Engineering in the Quality of Outcomes
#Default Prediction
# Classification
# Pre-processing
# Prediction
# Features Selection
# Generic Algorithm
# PSO Algorithm
# Naïve Bayes
# Decision Tree
# Random Forest
# Banking
# Risk Management
A Novel Approach to Maximize G-mean in Nonstationary Data with Recurrent Imbalance
#Cost-sensitive algorithms
# data stream classification
# imbalanced data
# online learning
# population shift
# skewed data stream
T-LBERT with Domain Adaptation for Cross- Domain Sentiment Classification
Hongye Cao,Qianru Wei,Jiangbin Zheng
#sentiment classification
#topic model
#domain adaption
MiNB: Minority Sensitive Na ve Bayesian Algorithm for Multi-Class Classification of
Unbalanced Data, Harikrishna Jethva
#Imbalanced data learning
# weighted naïve bayesian
# cost-sensitive learning
# multi-class unbalanced data
IoT Security Using AES Encryption Technology based ESP32 Platform
Mohammad Al-Mashhadani,Mohamed Shujaa
#IoT Security
#secure boot
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