ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Arabic Text Detection on Traffic Panels in Natural Scenes
Houssem Turki,Mohamed Elleuch,Kamal Othman,Monji Kherallah
#Traffic panels
#scene Arabic text detection
#traffic textual information
#Arabic scripts in the wild
#deep learning
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
The International Arab Journal of Information Techn ology, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 2015
Semantic Boolean Arabic Information Retrieval
# semantic web
# arabic language
# ontology
# stemming
# prefix
# infix
# suffix
# exception list s
Categorization in Arabic Text
#Root extraction
# information retrieval
# bigrams
# stemming
# Arabic morphological rules
# feature selection
Enhanced Clustering-Based Topic Identification of Transcribed Arabic Broadcast News
techniques. The enhancement includes applying new stemming technique “rule-based light stemming” to balance the negative
#Arabic speech transcription
# topic clustering
A Novel Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Punjabi Text using SVM
#Sentiment analysis
# subjective lexicon
# punjabi language
# n-gram modeling
# support vector machine
Evaluating Social Context in Arabic Opinion Mining Mohammed Al-Kabi1, Izzat Alsmadi2, Rawan Khasawneh3, and Heider Wahsheh4 1Computer Science Department, Zarqa University, Jordan 2Computer Science Department, University of New Haven, USA 3Computer Information Systems Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan 4Computer Science Department, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia
balanced benchmark corpus. To accomplish this study ten Arabic lexicons were constructed manually, and a new tool called
#Big data
# social networks
# sentiment analysis
# Arabic text classification
# and analysis
# opinion mining
Conditional Arabic Light Stemmer: CondLight Yaser Al-Lahham, Khawlah Matarneh, and Mohammad Hassan
The complexity of the Arabic morphology caused by multimode terms, using diacritics, letters have different forms according
#Arabic IR
#light stemming
#morphological analysis
# affixes’ removal
# term selection
# Arabic document indexing
# natural language
# light stemmers
Comprehensive Stemmer for Morphologically Rich Urdu Language
Mubashir Ali1, Shehzad Khalid2, and Muhammad Saleemi2
#Urdu stemmer
# infix classes
# infix rules
# stemming rules
# stemming lists
An Enhanced Corpus for Arabic Newspapers
#Opinion mining
# sentiment analysis
# K-Nearest Neighbours
# Naïve Bayes
# Support Vector Machines
# Arabic
# comment
GovdeTurk: A Novel Turkish Natural Language Processing Tool for Stemming, Morphological Labelling and Verb Negation
Sait Yucebas,Rabia Tintin
#Natural language processing
#morphological analysis
#Turkish language
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