ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Disease Prognosis of Fetal Heart’s Four-Chamber and Blood Vessels in Ultrasound Images Using CNN Incorporated VGG 16 and Enhanced DRNN
Someshwaran Gunasekaran,Sarada Vivekasaran
#Fetal heart disease
#ultrasound images
#augmented wiener filter
#median modified wiener filter
#region of interest
#convolutional neural network
#visual geometry group 16
#deep recurrent neural network
Canine Disease Prediction using Multi-Directional Intensity Proportional Pattern with Correlated Textural Neural Network
Ayesha Taranum,Jyoti Metan,Prasad Yogegowda,Chandrashekar Krishnappa
#Data optimization
#pattern extraction in big data
#multi-directional intensity proportional pattern
#similarity measure system
#correlated textural neural network
#test prediction
A New Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm Based on DWT Feature Extraction and Selection
#Facial expression recognition
#person-independent system
#feature extraction
#wrapper feature selection
#dimensionality reduction
Determining PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome Severity from Reddit Posts using Topic Modelling and Association Rule Mining
Santhi Selvaraj,Selva Nidhyananthan Sundaradhas
#Association rule mining
#bag of words
#frequent symptoms set
#topic modelling
Analysis of QA System Behavior against Context and Question Changes
Rachid Karra,Abdelali Lasfar
#Adversarial attacks
#data quality
#question answering
Turning Point Induced Knowledge Forecasting under Uncertainties (TrIK)
Jagtap Vinyak,Kulkarni Parag,Joshi Pallavi
#Time series forecasting
#shoulder area
#turning point
#knowledge discovery
FD Technology for HSs based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Jun Wang,Yuanxi Wang
#hydrogen gas
#pattern recognition
Analysis of QA System Behavior against Context and Question Changes
Rachid Karra,Abdelali Lasfar
#Adversarial attacks
#data quality
#question answering
Turning Point Induced Knowledge Forecasting under Uncertainties (TrIK)
Jagtap Vinyak,Kulkarni Parag,Joshi Pallavi
#Time series forecasting
#shoulder area
#turning point
#knowledge discovery
FD Technology for HSs based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Jun Wang,Yuanxi Wang
#hydrogen gas
#pattern recognition
The Coupling of a Multiplicative Group and the Theory of Chaos in the Encryptions of Images
Fouzia Elazzaby,Nabil Elakkad,Khalid Sabour
#Image encryption
#multiplicative group
#map 2D-SLMM
Pattern Recognition Using the Concept of Disjoint Matrix of MIMO System
Mezbahul Islam,Rahmina Rubaiat,Imdadul Islam,Mostafizur Rahaman,Mohamed Ruhul Amin
#Uncoupled MIMO links
#unitary matrix
#noise and channel matrix
An Effective Reference-Point-Set (RPS) Based Bi-Directional Frequent Itemset Generation
Ambily Balaram,Nedunchezhian Raju
#Reference point
#transactional buckets
#sparse region
#dense region
Design and Study of Zombie Enterprise Classification and Recognition Systems Based on Ensemble Learning
Shutong Pang,Ziwei Yang,Chengyou Cai,Zhimin Li
#Integrated learning
#corporate portrait
#classification and identification
#strong supervision model
Multi-Level Attack with Dynamic S-Box Variable Key Pattern Generation for Key Cohort Using AES
Anusha Padmavathi Rajendran,Dhanalakshmi Krishnan Sadhasivam
#Advanced encryption standard
#S box
#variable key generation
Linking Palliative Homecare to the Universal Health Coverage Principles and the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals Using the i* Framework’s Strategic and Social Requirements Modelling, Applied to a Cancer Care Organisation
Yousra Odeh,Dina Tbaishat,Faten F. Kharbat,Omar Shamieh,Mohammed Odeh
#Universal health coverage
#i* framework
#home health care
#palliative care
#goal-oriented modelling
#social requirements modelling
#cancer care process modelling
#cancer care informatics
#cancer care sociotechnical systems
Machine Learning Models for Statistical Analysis
Marko Grebovic,Luka Filipovic,Ivana Katnic,Milica Vukotic,Tomo Popovic
#Machine learning
#artificial neural networks
#statistical models
#accuracy measures
An Adaptive Traffic Lights System using Machine Learning
Mohammad Ashraf Ottom,Ahmad Al-Omari
#Traffic time management
#image processing and objects detection
#vehicles dataset
Adapted Normalized Graph Cut Segmentation with
Singaravelu Prabhu1 and Dharmaraj Tensing2 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kal aivani College of Technology, India 2 School of Civil Engineering, Karunya University, India
Developing a Novel Approach for Content Based
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