ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Decision Trees with Feature Selection Method
Alaa Sheta,Walaa El-Ashmawi,Abdelkarim Baareh
#Machine learning
#decision tree
#heart disease
ERDAP: A Novel Method of Event Relation Data Augmentation Based on Relation Prediction
Ruijuan Hu,Haiyan Liu,Wentao Yu
#Relation prediction
#event relation
#data augmentation
#graph convolutional networks
#causality extraction
Fuzzy Modeling for Handwritten Arabic Numeral Recognition
Dhiaa Musleh,Khaldoun Halawani,Sabri Mahmoud
#Automatic fuzzy modeling
#arabic online digit recognition
#directional features
#online digits structural features
Design and Implementation of a Diacritic Arabic Text-To-Speech System
Aissa Amrouche,Leila Falek,Hocine Teffahi
#Arabic Language
#Speech synthesis
#Unit selection
#Bi-grams model
A Highly Parallelizable Hash Algorithm Based on Latin Cubes
Ming Xu
#Hash algorithm
#latin cubes
#3D attribute
An On-Site Electronic Voting System Using Blockchain and Biometrics
Shu-Fen Tu,Ching-Sheng Hsu,Bo-Long You
#distributed ledger
Intensification and Interpretation of Performance in 5G Adopting Millimeter Wave: A Survey and Future Research Direction
Nivethitha Vijayaraj,Sivasubramanian Arunagiri
#enhanced broadband
#radio over fiber
Temporal Residual Network Based Multi-Head Attention Model for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
Ramzi Zouari,Dalila Othmen,Houcine Boubaker,Monji Kherallah
#Beta stroke
#skip connection
#vanishing gradient
A Novel Spam Classification System for E-Mail Using a Gradient Fuzzy Guideline-Based Spam Classifier (GFGSC)
Vinoth Narayanan Arumugam Subramaniam,Rajesh Annamalai
#Spam e-mail
#principal component analysis
#latent semantic analysis
#information gain
#gradient fuzzy guideline-based spam classifier
#MATLAB tool
#Bio$inspired system taxonomy
# ontogeny
# phylo geny
# epigeny
iHPProxy:Improving the Performance of HPProxy by Adding Extra Hot-Points
Abstract:In recent years, the interest of Internet users turned intoviewingvideos such asVideo-on-Demand (VoD), online
# shift distance
# cache replacement
# multimedia streaming
Clustering with Probabilistic Topic Models on
Software Reuse for Mobile Robot Applications Through Analysis Patterns Dayang Jawawi1, Safaai Deris1, and Rosbi Mamat2
Abstract:Software analysis pattern is an approach of software reuse which provides a way to reuse expertise that can be
#Analysis pattern
# software reuse
# component-based development
# pattern-based reverse engineering
Adaptive Optimizing of Hello Messages in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Essam Natsheh, Adznan Jantan, Sabira Khatun, and Shamala Subramaniam
paths between nodes within a network. Due to nodes mobility, the efficiency of a dynamic ad-hoc routing protocol depends
#Ad-hoc networks
# beacon messages
# fuzzy systems
# intelligent networks
Analysis of Epileptic Events Using Wavelet Packets Nisrine Sinno and Kifah Tout
epileptic brain states. The spatial and temporal dynamics of the epileptogenic process is still not clear completely especially
#Epilepsy analysis
# wavelet
# spike detection
Video Object Extraction Based on a Comparative Study of Efficient Edge Detection Techniques
Abstract: Segmentation of objects serves as a key of image an alysis and pattern recognition. The main focus of the paper is
# video object extraction
# change dete ction
# model matching
# pavement design
# neural network
# mech anistic-empirical
# flexible pavements
New Approach for Conception and
Amel Touzi and Mohamed Ben Messaoud
#Expert system
# expert system shell
# object oriented programming and GUI
Aspect Oriented Software
SynchroState: A SPEM-based Solution for Synchronizing Activities and Products through
#Synchro state
# metamodeling
# process model
# synchronization
# aspectJ
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