ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Scrupulous SCGAN Framework for Recognition of Restored Images with Caffe based PCA Filtration
Khushboo Agarwal,Manish Dixit
#Computer vision
#face recognition
#image restoration
#spatial information
#GAN networks
Real-Time Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
Abiodun Oguntimilehin,Kolade Balogun
#deep learning
#sign language
#hand gesture recognition
An Experimental Based Study to Evaluate the Efficiency among Stream Processing Tools
Akshay Mudgal,Shaveta Bhatia
#Big data
#data streaming
#real time stream processing
Extension for Real Time Applications
Extension for Real Time Applications
The International Arab Journal of Information Techn ology, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 2014
# quality of service
# priority scheduler
A Metrics Driven Design Approach for Real Time Environment Application
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore,
Design and Development of Suginer Filter for Intrusion Detection Using Real Time Network Data
Abstract: By rapid use of the Internet and computer network all over the world makes security a major issues, so using the
#Intrusion detection
# wiener filter
# artificial neural network
# knowledge discovery dataset
# network socket layer
# defense advanced research projects agency
# support vector machine
Using the MQTT Protocol in Real Time for
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Dearborn
# synchronizing
# machine to machine
# real time systems
# IoT
# cloud computing
Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Real Time
Poongothai Marimuthu, Rajeswari Arumugam, and Jabar Ali
# task assignment
# heterogeneous processors
# ant colony optimization
# real time systems
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition for
University, Bangladesh 2Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
#Haar-cascade classifier
# facial expression
# artificial neural network
# template matching
# lucas-kanade optical flow
Edge Detection Optimization Using Fractional Order Calculus
Mohammed Mekideche and Youcef Ferdi
#Edge detection
# fractional order calculus
# computational time
# smoothing operation
# performances evaluation
New Class-based Dynamic Scheduling Strategy for Self-Management of Packets at the Internet
#Congestion control
# packet queuing
# dynamic scheduling
# multimedia QoS
A Real Time Extreme Learning Machine for Software Development Effort Estimation
Kanakasabhapathi Pillai1 and Muthayyan Jeyakumar2 1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kalaivanar Nagercoil Sudalaimuthu Krishnan
#Software effort estimation
# extreme learning machine
# real time
# radial basis function
A Fast High Precision Skew Angle Estimation of Digitized Documents
Merouane Chettat, Djamel Gaceb, and Soumia Belhadi
#Skew angle estimation
# document images
# Hough transform
# Binarization
# edge detection
A Combined Method of Skin-and Depth-based Hand Gesture Recognition
Tukhtaev Sokhib1 and Taeg Keun Whangbo2
#Gesture recognition
# Microsoft Kinect
# inception model
# depth
A Combined Method of Skin-and Depth-based Hand Gesture Recognition
Tukhtaev Sokhib1 and Taeg Keun Whangbo2
#Gesture recognition
# Microsoft Kinect
# inception model
# depth
A Real-Time Business Analysis Framework Using Virtual Data Warehouse
Partha Ghosh1, Deep Sadhu2, and Soumya Sen1 1A.K.Choudhury School of Information Technology, University of Calcutta, India 2Department of Data Science, Ernst and Young, India
#Data warehouse
# virtual data warehouse
# data analytics
# business intelligence
# real-time analysis
# z-score
# query execution
In Loco Identity Fraud Detection Model Using Statistical Analysis for Social Networking Sites: A Case Study with Facebook
Shalini Hanok,Shankaraiah
#Continuous authentication
#in loco
#identity fraud
A Lightweight Hybrid Intrusion Detection Framework using Machine Learning for Edge-
Based IIoT Security, Mourade Azrour, Said Benkirane, Mouaad Mohy-Eddine, Hanaa Attou, Maryam Douiba
#IoT security
# edge-based IIoT
# intrusion detection
# ML
# K-NN
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