ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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An Enhanced Q-Learning MAC Protocol for Energy Efficiency and Convergence in Underwater Sensor Networks
Islam Ud Din,Irshad Abbasi,Sikandar Ali,Khalil Al Ruqeishi
#under water sensor networks
#MAC protocol
#adaptive Q-Learning
#energy efficiency
English-Chinese Bilingual Teaching: A DECTMT-NBO-DMSFNN Approach for Design and Application of Machine Translation Technology
Yuwei Wang
A Comprehensive Approach to Combat GPS Spoofing and Ensure Security Positioning in Autonomous Vehicles
Laid Kenioua,Brahim Lejdel,Mohamed Abdelhamid Nedioui
#Autonomous vehicles
#positioning security
#secure communication
#semi-decentralized collaboration architecture
#edge computing
#data collection
Narwhal Optimizer: A Novel Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm
Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed,Fatima Boukhatem
#Narwhal optimizer
#nature-inspired algorithms
#swarm intelligence
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Real-Time Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
Abiodun Oguntimilehin,Kolade Balogun
#deep learning
#sign language
#hand gesture recognition
Speech Scrambling based on Independent Component Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization
Nidaa Abbas,Jahanshah Kabudian
#itakura-saito distance
#speech scrambling
A Highly Parallelizable Hash Algorithm Based on Latin Cubes
Ming Xu
#Hash algorithm
#latin cubes
#3D attribute
An Effective Hybrid Encryption Model using Biometric Key for Ensuring Data Security
Saravanan Arumugam
#fingerprint based biometric key
#data security
#symmetric key encryption
#asymmetric key encryption
Intensification and Interpretation of Performance in 5G Adopting Millimeter Wave: A Survey and Future Research Direction
Nivethitha Vijayaraj,Sivasubramanian Arunagiri
#enhanced broadband
#radio over fiber
Optimization and Comparative Analysis of Quarter-Circular Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Particle Swarm and Fruit Fly Algorithms
Esin Karpat,Fatih Imamoglu
#Microstrip antenna design
#particle swarm optimization
#fruit fly optimization
Deep Learning Based Mobilenet and Multi-Head Attention Model for Facial Expression Recognition
Aicha Nouisser,Ramzi Zouari,Monji Kherallah
#skip connection
#transfer learning
Human Facial Emotion Recognition using Deep Neural Networks
Benisha S,Mirnalinee TT
#Neural Network
#deep neural networks
#facial expression
#emotion recognition system
Exploring the Performance of Farasa and CAMeL Taggers for Arabic Dialect Tweets
Aseel Alfaidi,Hajer Alwadei,Areej Alshutayri,Shahd Alahdal
#Dialect arabic tweets
#POS tagging
#MSA tagger
#farasa tagger
#CAMeL tagger
A New Algorithm for Finding Vertex-Disjoint Paths
Abstract: The fact that the demands which could be labelled a s “luxurious” in the past times, have became requirements
Privacy-Preserving Data Mining in Homogeneous
Department of Communication Electronics and Compute r Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt
A Safe Exit Approach for Continuous Monitoring
Department of Computer Engineering, Ajou University , South Korea
AES Based Multimodal Biometric Authentication using Cryptographic Level Fusion with Fingerprint and Finger Knuckle Print
Department of Electronics and Communication Enginee ring, Kalasalingam University,
Balanced Workload Clusters for Distributed Object Oriented Software
Abstract: When clustering objects to be allocated on a numbe r of nodes, most researches focus only on either the
# Load balance
# distributed system
# software restruct uring
# cluster algorithms
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