The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

A Framework for Saudi Uniform Gait Recognition Based on Kinect Skeletal Tracking

Jawad H. Alkhateeb,Ehsan Owaidah,Aiman Turani,Rashiq Marie,Aladdein Amro,Ahmad A. Mazhar

Vulnerability Analysis of Two Ultra lightweight RFID Authentication Protocols

Abstract: Ultra lightweight Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) authentication protocols are suitable for lo w*cost RFID

Parallel Particle Filters for Multiple Target Tracking

Abstract:TheMultiple Targets Tracking(MTT) problem is addressed in signal and image processing.When thestate and

Video Object Extraction Based on a Comparative Study of Efficient Edge Detection Techniques

Abstract: Segmentation of objects serves as a key of image an alysis and pattern recognition. The main focus of the paper is

An Effective Data Warehousing System for RFID Using Novel Data Cleaning, Data Transformation and Loading Techniques

Abstract:   Nowadays,  the  vital  parts  of  the  business  programs   are  the  data  warehouses  and  the  data  mining  techni ques. 

Impulse Noise Reduction for Texture Images Using Real Word Spelling Correction Algorithm and

1Faculty of Computer Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

Temporal Tracking on Videos with Direction

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, James College of Engineering and Technology, India

An Effective Data Warehousing System for RFID Using Novel Data Cleaning, Data Transformation and Loading Techniques

Abstract:   Nowadays,  the  vital  parts  of  the  business  programs   are  the  data  warehouses  and  the  data  mining  techni ques. 

An Automated Real-Time People Tracking System Based on KLT Features Detection

Information Technology Department, Al-Balqa Applied  University, Jordan 2Department of Computer Science, Princess Sumaya Uni versity for Technology, Jordan 3Department of Computer Science, Loughborough Univer sity, UK