ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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RoboGuard: Enhancing Robotic System Security with Ensemble Learning
Ali Al Maqousi,Mohammad Alauthman
#Robotic systems
#malware detection
#machine learning
#ensemble learning
#synthetic minority over-sampling technique
A Robot Path Planning Method Based on Synergy Behavior of Cockroach Colony
Le Cheng,Lyu Chang,Yanhong Song,Haibo Wang,Yuetang Bian
#Cooperative learning
#robot path planning
#fibonacci transformation
#controlling parameters
#path compression technique
Spatial and Semantic Information Enhancement for Indoor 3D Object Detection
Chunmei Chen,Zhiqiang Liang,Haitao Liu,Xin Liu
#3D object detection
#edge convolution
#attention mechanism
#spatial information
#semantic information
Software Reuse for Mobile Robot Applications Through Analysis Patterns Dayang Jawawi1, Safaai Deris1, and Rosbi Mamat2
Abstract:Software analysis pattern is an approach of software reuse which provides a way to reuse expertise that can be
#Analysis pattern
# software reuse
# component-based development
# pattern-based reverse engineering
I mplementation of a Hybrid Voice Control System for a Colony of Robots
Abstract: In this paper, a voice command system for autonomous robots is proposed as a project. The methodology adopted is
A Reliable Peer-to-Peer Protocol for Multi-Robot Operating in Mobile Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
Tarek Dandashy1, Mayez Al-Mouhamed2, and Irfan Khan2
#Auction communication
# cooperative multi-robot
# distributed intelligence
# peer-to-peer
# wireless protocol
Robotic Path Planning and Fuzzy Neural Networks
Nada Mirza
#Neural networks
# fuzzy logic
# obstacle avoidance
# path planning
Adaptive Optimization for Optimal Mobile Sink Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks
Arikrishnaperumal Ramaswamy Aravind1 and Rekha Chakravarthi2 1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and
#Mobile sink
# wireless sensor network
# fractional concept
# rider optimization algorithm
# routing
A Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy MRAC of a Robot in Flexible Manufacturing Environment
Kasim Al-Aubidy,Mohammed Ali
#mean-tracking clustering algorithm
#MLP neural nets
#computer control
#real-time systems
Emergence in Collective Robotics: A Case Study Soraya Mostéfaoui
Soraya Mostéfaoui
#autonomous agents
#collective robotics
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