ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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A Probabilistic Approach to Building Defect Prediction Model for Platform-based Product Lines
Changkyun Jeon,Neunghoe Kim,Hoh In
#Defect prediction
#defect life cycle
#markov chain
#product line engineering
#software engineering
Additive Metric Composition-Based Load Aware Reliable Routing Protocol for Improving the Quality of Service in Industrial Internet of Things
Anitha Dharmalingaswamy,Latha Pitchai
#Neighbor index
#objective function
#residual energy
TSO Clustered Protocol to Extend Lifetime of IoT Based Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Giji Kiruba Dasebenezer,Benita Joselin
#sensor nodes
in Wireless Sensor Networks
#Wireless sensor networks; compression
# routing
# en ergy efficiency
# lifetime
# shortest path Received December 14
# 2007; accepted March 12
# 2008 1
Aware-Routing Protocol using Best First Search Algorithm in Wireless Sensor
and areas; this led to ubiquity wireless sensor networks everywhere. Energy consumption is considered as the biggest
Traffic-Aware Clustering Scheme for MANET Using Modified Elephant Herding Optimization
# traffic-aware
# elephant heard optimization
# cluster-head
# large-scale network
Glaucoma Detection using Tetragonal Local Octa
#Retinal images
# glaucoma
# classification
Adaptive Optimization for Optimal Mobile Sink Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks
Arikrishnaperumal Ramaswamy Aravind1 and Rekha Chakravarthi2 1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and
#Mobile sink
# wireless sensor network
# fractional concept
# rider optimization algorithm
# routing
Solving Point Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Whale Optimization Algorithm
Mahnaz Toloueiashtian, Mehdi Golsorkhtabaramiri*, and Seyed Yaser Bozorgi Rad
#Wireless sensor networks
# point coverage
# network lifetime
# optimization
Enhanced-AODV Routing Protocol to Improve Route Stability of MANETs
Ako Abdullah, Emre Ozen, Husnu Bayramoglu
# routing protocol
# shortest path
# route stability
# network density
A Novel Genetic Algorithm with db4 Lifting for Optimal Sensor Node Placements
Ganesan Thangavel,Pothuraju Rajarajeswari
#Wireless sensor network
#target point coverage
#node connectivity
#sensor deployment
#genetic algorithm
#two-dimensional db4 lifting
#network lifetime
Reinforcement Energy Efficient ant Colony Optimization of Mobile Ad Hoc Multipath Routing Performance Enhancement
Murugan Singaravelan,Bhuvaneswari Mariappan
#energy efficient
Energy Heterogeneity Analysis of Heterogeneous Clustering Protocols
Shahzad Hassan,Maria Ahmad
#Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
#cluster head
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