ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Research on the Innovation of College English Teaching Mode from the Perspective of VR/AR Technology
Hui Jiang
#VR/AR technology
#college English
#teaching mode
Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
A Novel Space-Efficient Method for Detecting Network-Wide Heavy Hitters in Software-Defined Networking Using P4-Switch
Ali Alhaj,Wilson Bhukya,Rajendra Lal
#Software-defined networking security
#heavy-hitter detection
#P4 switch
#network monitoring
Insights into Automated Attractiveness Evaluation from 2D Facial Images: A Comprehensive Review
Ali Ibrahem,Jwan Saeed,Adnan Abdulazeez
#Facial beauty prediction
#facial attractiveness assessment
#beauty hypotheses
#beauty computation model
Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Forecasting the Spread of Viral Diseases in Jordan Using the SARIMA Statistical Model
Shahed Al-khateeb
#Time series model
#forecasting model
#seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average with exogenous regressors
Protecting Sensitive Images with Improved 6-D Logistic Chaotic Image Steganography
Mandeep Sandhu,Mohammad Ahmed,Mohammad Hussain,Surender Head,Imran Khan
#Image encryption
#logistic chaotic map
Disease Prognosis of Fetal Heart’s Four-Chamber and Blood Vessels in Ultrasound Images Using CNN Incorporated VGG 16 and Enhanced DRNN
Someshwaran Gunasekaran,Sarada Vivekasaran
#Fetal heart disease
#ultrasound images
#augmented wiener filter
#median modified wiener filter
#region of interest
#convolutional neural network
#visual geometry group 16
#deep recurrent neural network
Effective Test Cases Generation with Harmony Search and RBF Neural Network
Hemant Kumar,Vipin Saxena
#Algorithm optimization
#automated testing
#test cases
#hybrid algorithm and software testing efficiency
Using Deep Learning for Profitable Concrete Forecasting Methods
Ayat Al-Hinawi,Radwan Alelaimat
#Concrete performance prediction
#machine learning
#deep learning
#construction management
Canine Disease Prediction using Multi-Directional Intensity Proportional Pattern with Correlated Textural Neural Network
Ayesha Taranum,Jyoti Metan,Prasad Yogegowda,Chandrashekar Krishnappa
#Data optimization
#pattern extraction in big data
#multi-directional intensity proportional pattern
#similarity measure system
#correlated textural neural network
#test prediction
Efficient Image Encryption via 2D Logistic Chaos Mapping: Strengthening Security with Pixel-Level Dynamics
Yuebo Wu,Shiwei Chu,Huifang Bao,Duansong Wang,Jian Zhou
#Image encryption algorithm
#chaotic systems
#pixel shifting
#pixel scrambling
HYAQP: A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Model for Air Quality Prediction Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Paradigms
Praveena Vasudevan,Chitra Ekambaram
#unsupervised machine learning
#hybrid optimization
#optimized k-means
#air quality prediction
Enhanced Soccer Training Simulation Using Progressive Wasserstein GAN and Termite Life Cycle Optimization in Virtual Reality
Xiang Cheng,Pingping Zhang
#progressive Wasserstein generative adversarial network
#soccer training termite life cycle optimization
#virtual reality
An Improved Classification Model for English Syntax Error Correction Design of DL Algorithm
Xue Han
#syntax error
#classification model
#neural network
#attention mechanism
A New Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm Based on DWT Feature Extraction and Selection
#Facial expression recognition
#person-independent system
#feature extraction
#wrapper feature selection
#dimensionality reduction
RSO based Optimization of Random Forest Classifier for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays
Khaled Baradieh,Mohd Zainuri,Mohamed Kamari,Yushaizad Yusof,Huda Abdullah,Mohd Zaman,Mohd Zulkifley
#fault classification
#fault detection
#machine learning
#random forest
Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review of Research on Expert Finding: A PRISMA-guided Approach
Xuan-Lam Pham,Thi Thu Le
#Expert finding
#expert finding systems
#bibliometric analysis
#systematic review
#PRISMA methodology
Analyzing Sentiments using Optimized Novel Ensemble Fuzzy and DL based Approach with Efficient Feature Selection and Extraction Models
Potu Bharath,Dasari Venkata Lakshmi
#Sentiment analysis
#deep convolutional fuzzy neural network
#multilayer stacked bidirectional LSTM neural network inception-ResNet-V2
#enhanced reptile search algorithm
#Al-Biruni earth radius optimization algorithm
The Strategy of Discriminating False Comments on the Internet by Fusing Probabilistic Topic and Word Vector Models
Fei Long
#Probabilistic topics
#word vectors
#online reviews
#false detection
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