ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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CANBLWO: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Semantic Text Generation
Abhishek Kumar Pandey,Sanjiban Sekhar Roy
#Natural language processing
#natural language generation
#neural network
#convolutional attention network
#whale optimization algorithm
#large language model
A Technique for Burning Area Identification Using IHS Transformation and Image Segmentation
Abstract: In this paper, we have designed and developed a tec hnique for burning area identification using Intensity Hue
A Vision Approach for Expiry Date Recognition using Stretched Gabor Features
Abstract: Product"expiry date represent important information for products consumption. They must contain clear
#Bio$inspired system taxonomy
# ontogeny
# phylo geny
# epigeny
New Prototype of Hybrid 3D-Biometric Facial
Haitham Issa1, Sali Issa2, and Mohammad Issa3 1 Department of Communications and Electronics Engin eering, Isra University, Jordan 2, 3Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
Hybrid SVM/HMM Model for the Arab Phonemes
Multimedia Information System and Advanced Computin g Laboratory, Sfax University, Tunisia
On Demand Ciphering Engine Using Artificial Neural Network
Department of Computer Engineering, Mosul Universit y, Iraq
Neural Network with Bee Colony Optimization for MRI Brain Cancer Image Classification
Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling of a Fermentation Process
Abstract: Neuro-fuzzy modeling may be qualified as a grey-box technique, since it combines the transparency of rule-based
#Yeast fermentation
# fed-batch
# takagi-sugeno model
# levenberg-marquardt algorithm
Handwriting Arabic Character Recognition LeNet Using Neural Network
#Arabic character recognition
# neural network
# LeNet
Mohammed Awad
# Clustering
# time series prediction
# RBF neural netw orks
A Software Tool for Automatic Generation of Neural Hardware
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute and Comp etence Centre for Exact Sciences and Engineering,
# Artificial neural networks
# feedforward neural netw orks
# system generator
# matlab
# xilinx
# simulink
# integrated software environment
An Approach for Instance Based Schema Matching
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
#Schema matching
# instance based schema matching
# Google similarity
# regular expression
Proficient Decision Making on Virtual Machine Creation in IaaS Cloud Environment
Abstract: Cloud computing is a most fascinated technology that is being utilized by IT companies to reduce their
# VMs
# jordon neural network
# genetic algorithm
# service level agreements
Enhanced Hybrid Prediction Models for Time Series Prediction
as artificial neural networks are considered to be better for prediction of data with non-linear patterns. In the real-life, time-
#Hybrid model
# adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems
# soft computing
# neural network
# statistical techniques
RNN-LSTM Based Beta-Elliptic Model for Online Handwriting Script Identification
dealing with sequential input data. In this context, the proposed system aims to classify the online handwriting scripts based on
# pseudo
# stroke
# velocity
# beta-elliptic
# recurrent
# dropout
A Hybrid Template Protection Approach using Secure Sketch and ANN for Strong Biometric Key
1Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing (FAW), Johannes Kepler University Linz,
#Biometric cryptography
# biometric template protection
# Secure Sketch
# remaining entropy
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition for
University, Bangladesh 2Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
#Haar-cascade classifier
# facial expression
# artificial neural network
# template matching
# lucas-kanade optical flow
Performance Analysis of FCM Based ANFIS and
Praynlin Edinson1 and Latha Muthuraj2
#Software development
# cost
# effort estimation
# process planning
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