The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Enhancing Generic Pipeline Model for Code Clone Detection using Divide and Conquer Approach

code clone research focuses on the detection and an alysis of code clones in order to help software developers identify code

Balanced Workload Clusters for Distributed Object Oriented Software

Abstract: When clustering objects to be allocated on a numbe r of nodes, most researches focus only on either the

Test Case PrioritizationforRegression Testing Using Immune Operator

Abstract:Regressiontesting is a time consuming, costly process of re-running existing test cases.Assoftware evolves, the

New Prototype of Hybrid 3D-Biometric Facial

Haitham Issa1, Sali Issa2, and Mohammad Issa3 1 Department of Communications and Electronics Engin eering, Isra University, Jordan 2, 3Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and 