The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Khalid Nahar1, Husni AlMuhtaseb1, Wasfi AlKhatib1, Moustafa Elshafei1, and Mansour Alghamdi2 1College of Computer Science and Engineering, King F ahd University of

Hybrid SVM/HMM Model for the Arab Phonemes

Multimedia Information System and Advanced Computin g Laboratory, Sfax University, Tunisia 

Investigation Arabic Speech Recognition Using CMU Sphinx System

Abstract: In  this  paper,  Arabic  was  investigated  from  the  spe ech  recognition  problem  point  of  view.    We  propose  a  novel 

An Optimized Model for Visual Speech Recognition Using HMM

acoustic signals. It is useful in situations in which conventional audio processing is ineffective like very noisy environments or