The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


TMP Rajkumar1 and Mrityunjaya Latte2 1Research Scholar, Anjuman Engineering College, Indi a 2Principal, JSS Academy of Technical Education, India 


Rangan Kodandaram, Shashank Mallikarjun, Manikantan  Krishnamuthan, and Ramachandran Sivan 

afak Saraydemir1, Necmi Tapınar2, Osman Eroğul3 and Hülya Kayserili4 1Department of Electronics Engineering, Turkish Mili tary Academy, Turkey 2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Erciyes University, Turkey 3Department of Biomedical Engineering Centre, Gülhan e Military Medicine Academy, Turkey 4Department of Medical Genetics, Đstanbul University Medicine Faculty, Turkey

Analysis of Epileptic Events Using Wavelet Packets Nisrine Sinno and Kifah Tout

epileptic brain states. The spatial and temporal dynamics of the epileptogenic process is still not clear completely especially

 Department of Electronics and Communication Engine ering, PSG College of Technology, India. 

Department of Electronics and Communication Enginee ring, PSG College of Technology, India. 

 Esakkirajan Sankaralingam1, Veerakumar Thangaraj2, Senthil Vijayamani3, 

VLSI-Oriented Lossy Image Compression Approach using DA-Based 2D-Discrete

Devangkumar Shah1 and Chandresh Vithlani2 1Electronics and Communication Department, RK Univer sity, India 2Electronics and Communication Department, Governmen t Engineering College, India

Audiovisual Speaker Identification Based on Lip and Speech Modalities

Abstract: In this article, we pre sent a bimodal speaker identification method, which integrates both acoustic and visual