The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

An Efficient Perceptual of CBIR System using MIL-SVM Classification and SURF Feature Extraction

Bhuvana Shanmugam,Radhakrishnan Rathinavel,Tamije Perumal,Subhakala Subbaiyan

The Fuzzy Logic Based ECA Rule Processing for XML Databases

systems.  Fuzzy concepts are adapted to the field of XML Data bases (DB) in order to deal with ambiguous and unce rtain data.

Towards the Construction of a Comprehensive

Department of Computer Science, Sultan Qaboos Unive rsity, Oman

Efficient Multimodal Biometric Database Construction and Protection Schemes

multimodal biometric database. The last is dedicate d to a biometric authentication system operating on a set of connected