Esther Perumal1 and Shanmugalakshmi Ramachandran2 1Department of Electronics and Communication Enginee ring, Kathir College, India 2Department of CSE, Government College of Technology , India
Ke Yan1, Hong Zhu1, and Kevin Lü2 1School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 2College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, Brunel University, UK
Khaled Omer1 and Daya Lobiyal2 1Faculty of Engineering, School of Computer and Syst ems Sciences, University of Aden, Yemen 2Faculty of Computer and System Science, Nehru Unive rsity, India
Sanjay Singh1 and Trimbak Sontakke2 1Department of Computer Engineering, Siddhant Colleg e of Engineering, India 2Siddhant College of Engineering, India